2021-05-19 Hypha Worker Co-op: All Hands
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Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: dc, pc, uv, yj, gi, bl, el
Cultivator: el
Notetaker: dc el, yj, gi, uv, pc, bl, dc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Working Group Updates | 15 |
Project Updates | 15 |
Discussions | 20 |
Personal Checkins
- pc: macbook air 2019 bought after last holiday
- bl: SWAPFEST2021. 2013 mac 8gb ram ready to come to TO for ram upgrade. fan always on
- uv: 1 week old macbook air, new M1 chip, lowest specs of current lineup, blazingly fast. splitsec frustration purchase. old computer started working again
- gi: rpi k8s cluster. x240, macbook pro 13 inch 2018?, custom built 2018 gaming rig i5 [rattled off some specs]
- dc: SUPE OLD x220. was old then got older. new in 2013. 16gb ram upgraaaade. new powerhousing. can’t do things at same time. no gdocs. naturally has two. will need to reswap mem. lab laptop. windows-specific. using it for the softawre. dell xps313. ultralite. batt fails. immediately loses all power for 50%. xbuntu. deciding on x220 os. maybe archlinux.
- yj: workhorse: MSI dc63 24gb ram, 2 years old spawns random loose screws. VMs, needs more RAM
- el: thinkpad p15 16gb ram DDR4
- Paid sick days for COVID-related time offs (e.g., vaccines), let dc know operations@hypha.coop
- Patcon personal announcement: stepping away, becoming an inactive member in 2-3 weeks
Working Group Updates
Business Planning
- first convo about structuring the new initiatives
- hiring summer student for bizdev / marketing strategy
- hello hypha calls, with new coops mostly (6-ish)
- dc+pc did interview with MPP Chris Glover, tech/innovation critic in ONgov
- no call for awhile, async coord and just doing bare minimum: paid, rodica quarter, invoicing
- one outstanding invoice
- yj to follow up on two around meetcoop
- thinking about changing acct from recco on uv, especially with new clients
- paid for articles, so maybe moving fwd?
- quarterly strat calls with support from udt?
- July-Sept fiscal year ends June 30, start to think about AGM timing?
- OVH upgrade (below) TOP
- looking toward inititatives, getting higher resolution, looking for guidance on framework
- immediate: deprecate jitsi
- hiring, getting ready for hiring
- how to support ppl moving into inactive membership
- June 30th aim to be done transition for CMC
Project Updates
- bentway (gi)
- call with valdis, macy, rob, showed the garden
- wrote a narrative
- some updates to garden, then finishing
- aether (bl)
- p2p + hosted universes -> coherent thing. “build community in one place”
- launch end-of-month / first week of june
- booking half-hour demos with ppl (event organizers, online communities, etc)
- #todo:all referrals pls
- traffmobility (yj)
- going well, some calls, still active but not a lot of movement
- todos for website, but they are re-evaluating
- #todo yj to followup
- need to figure out if ongoing or terminal project
- Qm (dc)
- cont’d with fractional consulting
- impromptu session, able to jump in
- June, intense work, revise update privacy policy + tos
- subcontract hiring possible
- dpress (uv/bl)
- mai + udit - compost magazine thread
- ben - distributed press calls, meeting with sutty, hypercore (paul f), matters (guo), flancia, china people
- social schemas for cross protocol sharing
- direct outreach, not open call for issue 2
- expecting to finalize list by next week
- meet.coop (yj)
- take round, getting paid!!! working on amsterdam work (femprocomuns) looks like it might be longer term.
- funding application being made. more than 100 members right now. 4000 hours of talk time in the last (?) weeks. GBP$20,000 ARR.
- if we can get to 100k gbp we’ll be sustainable. this grant is 40k
- maybe go for a debt financing round after the grant?
- take round, getting paid!!! working on amsterdam work (femprocomuns) looks like it might be longer term.
- cosmos (uv)
- steep learning curve. technically complex. lots of reading.
- upcoming calls (first post-kickoff)
- invited to COSMOS biweekly meetings (at least 1 pers/wk)
- #todo:finance how to hold ATOM legally
- def by mid-June: to meaningfully participate in their governance, need ATOM
- #todo bl finance to contact new acct
- OC (pc)
- in flux, pc to continute to onboard two collectives: ttc and flancia
- call in 1st week of June to determine next steps for OC
- bl + pc + dc
- Update to inbounds from voicmails / hello@ [update from dc]
- members@ will not receive hello@ emails
- this will go to “Hello Hypha” initiative (part of past Biz Dev)
- Need to upgrade current OVH server
- Had for 1 year, renewal coming up, $89/mth for same
- Running out of ram
- Path:
- add ram, need to buy new server with more ram and migrate everything
- increase to monthly cost: $101/mth +20mth
- need 1 mth to migrate, will double bill for that period
- June project to migrate
- Intern hiring process update (going, hoping for interviews maybe tomorrow / next week?)
- publicized everything on job boards
- uv dc on interview committee
- able to interview fairly soon, going well!
- start date after interview, maybe by June
- 10 weeks, 16 hours a week
- how can we frame self-identifying as members of equity-seeking groups
- Convo abt. small constracts (contractors) and upcoming capacity (udit and I chatted quick abt this)
- uv: COSMOS feels hardest to bring on new ppl
- DSF we should try to structure to bring on new ppl
- uv: strat is not for ppl to be immediately 100% valuable. even shaving 30% of time is good enough.
- bl:
- first offer to members of needs, uv + dc +1 (internal posting)
- pc: how are taking a cut?
- uv: all paid projects
- uv: COSMOS feels hardest to bring on new ppl
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting