2020-04-30 Hypha Worker Co-op: Finance
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Time: 2-2:30pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: bl, yj
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: yj
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- skipped
- none
Task Board Review
- Review DONE tasks
- already archived
- Review
#185 reimbursement
- just need to pay it
- dc still needs to file
- notified everyone except pc
- bl unsure about pre-incorporation expenses
- yj: can do as regular expense < $50,000
- in QB count it as a incorporation date expense
- #155 org summary. bl will do it
- #109 determine system for storing confidential employee information. this is actually done! closed
- #261 covid-19 financial support. yj to call
- bl will take care of payroll for May, and we will assign Finance roles end-May
#185 reimbursement
- update OKRs
- a bunch of KRs are done!
- “Devise strategy to secure support funding and credit for business to cope with uncertainties”
- bl: need to talk to Desjardins about credit availability
- bl: possibility of member loans in cases of emergency
- #todo call Desjardins and inquire about BCAP + other credit availability based on our situation
- “Capture evaluation of our capacity to support members and neighbours”
- yj: covid19.hypha.coop as neighbour support
- bl: finance communicated that we can donate < $100 amount
- #todo how much $ can members pool in as an “emergency credit access”
- poll members about restrictions on this money
- if Hypha cannot pay our bills
- if a member has a personal emergency
- this should check off most of the above two KRs
- poll members about restrictions on this money
Process Checkout
- we’re in good shape!
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- business-planning: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- finance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- infrastructure: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting