2020-12-02 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: bl, pc, dc, el, uv, yj, gi
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: pc
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: yj
- last: meet.coop: finance as infra lead
- next: close doc tasks.
- blockers: time. readjust to new work.
- Person: bl
- last: compost: onboarding benny+elon. (#todo ops) aether. meet.coop: presentation for diglife. OC session.
- next: payroll. OC legal advice tues. compost.
- blockers: none. decent flow.
- Person: dc
- last: client cowork QM. ops/bizdev tidying. new issues for bizplan. sent SOW for ASN. holiday party plan. holiday hours.
- next: close out 6 issues.
- blockers: alberta travel? fever! “life under pandemic” (covid test :/)
- Person: uv
- last: bizdev bizplan. QM cowork. some compost: onboarding docs. pitch deadline dec 8.
- next: bizdev blog plans. QM work. compost.
- blockers: none.
- Person: el
- last: compost server setup. meet.coop meetings.
- next: compost tickets.
- blockers: none.
- Person: gi
- last: infra wg meeting. diglife presentation.
- next: infra meetings.
- blockers: no blocks.
- Person: pc
- last: mjw emails. StART business intelligence platform, demo for evaluation. personal breaks. holiday planning.
- next: mjw. start. holiday party planning. holiday planning.
- blockers:
- open collective call (ben)
- pc > dc. will sched after. tues or wed #todo book.
- holiday hours (dc+pc)
also all, Ops has a proposal for “holiday hours” during which we can consider Hypha to be closed for client work and also internal meetings. Given the extraordinary circumstances that 2020 has brought, 1) we should feel a sense of accomplishment for all that we achieved; 2) we should take time to recharge. To that end, we’re hoping to take 3 weeks from Sat, Dec 19, 2020 - Sun Jan 10, 2021, anticipating we might need to have someone(s) be willing to respond to emails from Jan 4 on. Looking forward to discussing and confirming on Wednesday all hands – if we should shift those dates to be more inclusive please let us know. I’m feeling pretty strong abou t us taking an extended “official” break tho I will say.
- no internal calls until Jan 10
- someone to answer email Jan 4=> ben
- 3 weeks from Sat, Dec 19, 2020 - Sun Jan 10, 2021
- no expectation for people showing up
- DEADLINE: Dec 18
- Clockify hours in (all)
- Invoicing sheet (project leads)
- Payroll hours entered (project leads)
- holiday party (pc)
- #todo look thru CRM list https://link.hypha.coop/crm
- holiday invite list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vj5g2S7vQhLHNYt5XD9qfpb_D60aGlcEYubwlodqXUY/edit#gid=0
- personal upate (patcon)
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting