2020-10-28 Hypha Worker Co-op: All Hands
from template | Meetings |
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Tasks |
Code |
Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: el, pc, yj, uv, bl
Cultivator: pc
Notetaker: el dc, gi, pc, yj, uv, bl
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Working Group Updates | 5 |
Project Updates | 5 |
Discussions | 20 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- how are people going to stay in touch over winter? new clever things?
- pc: have birthday in the park hipster inside igloos
- bl: isn’t it like other canadian winters. you just hide at home
- uv: exploring 3d realtor spaces with friends https://twitter.com/simon_sellars/status/1320855273024770051?s=20 (uv: oh no, looks like they disabled the 3d walkthrough!!!!)
- yj: same thing as every night take over the world
- el: virtual tomesh
- meet.coop got paid
- meet.coop xmas party coming up. ALL INVITED
- Games:
- Wii Fit Kit
- Among us
- Video work outs together
- Starcraft, Civ
- Mount Your Friends
- yj: getting voip.ms phone number in early Nov
Task Board Review
Archive DONE tasks
- archived
Review HIGH
tasks- #314 closed
- #329 in progress
- private#92 nothing to report
- #313
- #316 moved to prod #todo:everyone go on loomio to test it
- #308 no update moved to To Do
- #351 its moving
- #134 been using it trying to up the limit, email in French and limit not increased, switched reaccuring paymet to CC, todo:yj speak with dc CWCF, sync with QB but not rules
To Do
- #311 no updates
Triage NEW tasks
- …
Assign UNASSIGNED tasks
- …
Working Group Updates
Business Planning
(uv)- no meeting have number of leads
- in common
- call with informal systems …
- [in camera] jasper event planning co-op (workshops). pc thought locked. uv less certain.
- 2 components: (1) early workshop/hellos/webinar. low cost. uv: part of sales cycle. (2) platform co-op. Q4 and Q1 when the work will happen, so far commited to webinar
- steph guico app for CMC not possible to give contract to us. only MTL local.
- following up with helping connect her with MTL hacknight
- no meeting have number of leads
(bl)- call with hema how to structure our books meeting notes published
- OC = internal trust account for now just QB. Savings account later with “real” trust account at bank.
- handling OC and internal money, evential have to open savings account to handle large money
- dublicate data in accounting books
- retainer = unearned money (OC), grant = earned
- doing beta trail of OC’s new billing. (5% fees by us. OC takes 15% of that.)
(pc)- no updates
(yj)- not much this week / working on ansible stuff mostly docs
- phone number move to voipms Nov. 2nd
(pc)- no updates
Project Updates
- StART (pc)
- going equally well for all
- clients seem happy
- meet.coop (yj)
- brought first server
- figure how to do for future
- small things like firewall
- need to get playbook from collocall
- need to get money from them
- ben got paid and onboarded simply secure and platform 6
- QM (in camera uv)
- have co-work last week
- they feel happy with us
- aether
- late bill payment
- expect another late payment
- late bill payment
- open collective
- starting to think on marketing
- bl started talking to CWCF about our service
- CfP next week
- bizdev for clients
- bl working on proposal
- new OKRs (patcon)
- uv: revisit last OKRs and not commit to new ones to start
- #todo:pc recap next week
- cultivating
- bl for nov
- yj for dec
- CWCF call on Nov 2
- pc to attend and invite dc, uv may attend
- #todo pc to schedule
- #next xmas party?
- uv: hifi or among us or gather.town
Process Checkout
- uv: in standup mode
- bl: more update than questions next time
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting