2019-03-20 Toronto Workers Co-op: All-Hands Meeting
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm EDT Location: https://meet.jit.si/offline Attending:
- patcon
- udit
- yurko
- elon
- dc
- benhylau
- Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
- Previous Action Items
- benhylau: Schedule CoopDevs call (without recording)
- pat + udit: To fill business plan sheet
- dcwalk: set up calendar to weekly meetings
- dcwalk: ask garry to vote on loomio name (by email, all can see and chime in ;))
- Name next steps
- Business Feasibility Study next steps
- note-taker: patcon
- Quick Working Group Updates:
- bizdev (patcon)
- all done except patcon’s last section
- #todo book time together
- finance (ben)
- ben’s been swamped and not able to visit credit unions
- #todo yurko review thread and do 2 visits
- governance (dcwalk)
- made intention to set up calls, but no motion
- dcwalk started some tracking threads
- #todo propose polling process for incorporators
- submission process and starting to draft (more below)
- patcon: found “Feel Train” agreement
- provoked good convos
- #todo talk below
- #todo schedule governance cowork
- ops (yurko)
- mostly no update
- yurko: accounting software
- dcwalk: talk on techcoop mailing list (quickbooks, self-hosted, etc.)
- dcwalk: flag that we’re starting to talk “protocols”
- related loomio thread
- protocol / organizational processes
- e.g. call transparency (patcon)
- “how to bring forward a proposal to the co-op”
- bizdev (patcon)
- ben: what is the transparency of our convos?
- techsupport.coop joined our loomio. not sure.
- patcon: queue for later?
- ben will be away from March 29 to end-May (available online but in-person stuff won’t happen, opposite tz in May)
Naming Next Steps
Pre-NUANs search
- free version search. official will cost money.
- “hypha” = taken in Toronto
- a bit unclear of whether/how we can move forward if conflict
- #todo
ask someone
- #todo
- conflicts explained, but unclear
- ben: distinctive component could be “worker cooperative”
- distinctiveness component != legal mark, eg. “inc”
- unsure if “cooperative” is part of mark #todo
- NUANS report officiale
- $50 per search
- if looks good, 90 days to submit the Articles of Incorporation
- Incorporation process ~$400 total (incrementally in steps)
- #todo buy domain if we initiate ($120/year .coop, requires incorp)
- ben: talk about larger costs now? dcwalk: suggests working out over 3mo.
- udit: suggests we just think of it as loan to future company. all: agree.
- dcwalk: temp check. $1050 float split $150 by 7 ppl, with some affordance for financial capacities. 7/7 ok.
- #todo let’s track. all agreed. spreadsheet.
notepad?spreadsheet, wave accounting - yurko/ben: might be worth using accounting for bank integration.
- #todo start investigating accounting software
- #todo let’s track. all agreed. spreadsheet.
- #todo submit paid NUAN search
- yurko
- #todo
start spreadsheet
- #todo
buy non-coop domain soon - Business Planning next steps
- Document Policies
Incorporation Fund Agreement
- Establish fund of $1050 that each member contributes to equally (with the understanding that if individuals are unable to we are willing to accomodate)
- We will track money prior to anything being collected (intially spread)
- Amounts will be repaid contingent on whenever the account balance reaches $2000 with no pending transactions
- Consent on the crowdfund (Consensed):
- ben
- udit
- garry
- yurko
- patcon
- dawn
- elon
Name and Incorporation Process
- Get the money: send to one person electronically (Yurko)
- Domain search (and register): not .coop domain now (Yurko!)
- Nuans search: perform Nuans search with “Hypha”
Domain Searching Shortlist
future goals:
pc dc bl uv
dc pc el yj
dc yj pc el
dc yj uv bl
long list:
pc gi uv
dc yj
=> hypha.eco
=> hypha.es
=> hypha.estate
Upcoming Discussions
- Infrastructure: Password Manager + Emergency Backchannel
- Transition of Infrastructure
- Decision on non-profit status
- Transparency of conversations, tools
- Finances: Software + Banking
- Review feasibility report / business plan
- Articles of Incorporation
Actionable Items
- Schedule a business plan WG call
Schedule governance co-work session
- patcon: present options to dc
- dc: lock in: SAT 11am-2pm
- patcon: share to calendar
- announce/invite
Make spreadsheet in gdrive
patcon: First pass:
- dc: spreadsheet-guru second pass (i got no skillz!)
patcon: First pass:
- yurko: Share etransfer contact info: chat link
all: submit money and record amount on
Ledger established to reflect bank account. Includes copies of receipts
Ledger established to reflect bank account. Includes copies of receipts
- ???: Investigate financial softwares (e.g., intuit quickbooks wave, other options?): loomio thread
- yurko: book credit union visits
- yurko: paid NUANS search
- yurko: order phone number: 437-887-6936