2020-03-30 Hypha Worker Co-op: Business Planning Branding/Website Check-in
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Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: gi, dc, uv
Cultivator: uv
Notetaker: dc
Main issue: https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/77
- uv: next steps?
- move deck to website
- anything else? does the branding part have to happen?
- other assets?
- dc: in Jan, were looking at other assets
- e.g., lookbook
- gi: feedback on deck?
- dc: non-profess into the colours psycadelia
- uv: people are into it
- slight preference for stock images we didn’t have permission to use
- uv: what is possible in next week?
- gi: have until today and Tomorrow
- current repo:
- lots of things we aren’t using
- gi seeing:
- unfork/move to new repo
- keep hosted on gh pages
- pulling in content from deck, just iterating on it
- uv: timeline?
- gi: seems reasonable
- dc: CWCF pitch has some “case studies”/portfolio
- got permission to list, but not hypha projects
- Website content, beyond the scope of the deck:
- COVID19 response (temporary/time dependent) **
- Social media graph **
- twitter, gh, linkedin, matrix public
- way to peer into our open org: handbook, meetings website
- twitter, gh, linkedin, matrix public
- Blog/communication channel
- Case studies (e.g., project with description or multi-page brief? opens into images, brief/approach/outcome) / portfolio
- Walkthru of deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y8Mnyw147rsX1n5NsDek6dJHl9PWU3cwG-_QXBMfY98/edit#slide=id.g7ec9b071cc_0_21
- Inserted slide to mockup
- Trim?
- hold off on bios, maybe draft a sentence about “where we’be been”
- Contact info:
- make persistant
- Navigation
- seems not… needed for a single page site?
- but considering a move away from single-page, keeping in mind
- blog structure similar to covid-19 site
- persistant info?
- social stuff/graph, contact info
- Brand?
- dc + uv made fake brand for letterhead
- patcon needs letterhead for somethings?
- dc: first iteration of guidelines around
- font
- colours
- logos
- size
- placement and spacing
- dc: first iteration of guidelines around
- Garry:
- vibing on a substack/newsletter
- “weird links”
Synthesis on what will happen
This iteration of website:
- content:
- NOT A HERO (we help orgs…)
- About Hypha
- What we do
- Work with us (including social stuff) / make persistent?
- Our values
- Who we are
- General sentence that isn’t our bios
- COVID19 response (temporary/time dependent) **
- Social media “graph” **
- twitter, gh, linkedin, matrix public
- way to peer into our open org: handbook, meetings website
- Footer:
- “Hypha Worker Co-operative Inc., Ontario Corporation No. 5019866”
- license: CC BY-SA 4.0
Next iteration of website:
- privacy policy (prioritized)
- identify new potential images (mid-term)
- bios
- multi-page site
- case studies
- blog content
- also a substack (e.g. OS pattern: Dirk Slater FabRiders)
- our own image assets
Plan or work:
- garry
- new repo, snapshot of existing repo (shallow clone?)
- tachyons framework
- dc+garry
- co-work 4-6 Tues
- inc. first iteration brand guide (whatever) -> handbook
- bizdev review by eow
2020-03-31 Hypha Website/Branding Co-work session
Call to action:
Like others in the Great Lakes region and Toronto, we’ve been closely monitoring the Novel Coronavirus 2019 situation via Toronto Public Health and Ontario Ministry of Health.
We’re offering assistance and sharing resources on how we work as a remote-first worker co-operative in solidarity with workers transitioning to working from home -> https://covid19.hypha.coop/
Who we are
We are a group of designers, engineers, sysadmins, researchers, and organizers who’ve worked together over the last four years in various combinations. We’ve brought our approaches from open-source and civic tech communities to projects with local and international clients.
What’s left?
- digital assets
- gi: cleaned up wordmark (no small “worker co-op”)
- stretch rethink assets on different platforms (e.g., qb, twitter, linkedin)
- gi: website:
- Who we are section
- trying other images
- padding to image
- footer
- cc license
- “This website content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.”
- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- dc: something abt placement of social “graph”
- cc license
- hypha colour? => to elicit feedback
- black
- purple
- mobile
- Who we are section
- dc: write first version of “look and feel” -> handbook
- fonts
- colours
- !!
- hopefully that square thing… wordmark
- name:
- Worker Co-operative
- dc: move comment for next tasks/iteration to this repo.
- dc: 5-10 mins to talk website at all hands
- udit+ben review:
- garry: do final switch after sign-off