2020-05-20 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: el, gi, bl, uv, yj, dc
Cultivator: gi
Notetaker: bl dc, uv, pc, gi, yj, el, bl
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Coronavirus Zone đź¦
- uv: are we in any way affected by Ontario’s opening up of business?
- dc: in handbook. we are non-essential and remote workplace. we can conduct business online
- dc: will have a look at updates and make update to that page if needed
Standup Notes
Person: dc
- last: mannnnny things. call with SEIZE, brief updates to bl uv, radical education aim coop. bylaws. call with localtechnique
- next: operations stuff. wsib. data retention policy re: website. agm time
- blockers: time. been missing bizdev
Person: el
- last: data retention policy. infra meeting tuesday
- next: finish data retention
- blockers: none
Person: uv
- last: localtechnique call. update contact sheet. update image bank. quartermaster. covidconnect
- next: similar week
- blockers: none. better routine with time management
Person: yj
- last: wrapping up some org stuff on infra. open collective
- next: open collective. infra planning
- blockers: time and uncertainty day-to-day
Person: gi
- last: PR to website
- next: some website PRs
- blockers: time (forever)
Person: bl
- last: onboarding hank, working open section in the handbook (port to IP agreement), meet.coop initiative, MTL coop connecting, el data retention, mostly aether
- next: IP agreement, HST account creation (small biz, any client work should include HST), MTL coop connecting, more aether work, hope to get things setup with Hank this weekend (setup in a week)
- blockers: scattered work, keeping track of next week
- Purge history of chat rooms, how often and how far back?
- yj: we are ready to do it anytime :)
- yj: recommends cron job running weekly, purge anything beyond 3 months, for all private rooms
- dc: public rooms? all: +1
- consensed to purge policy cron job running weekly, purge anything beyond 3 months, for all private and public hypha rooms
- #todo documentation of process
- #todo set in topic
- #todo do a @room to let everyone know
- due June 1st
- #todo add to data policy, we are using tomesh infra, and the content is federated
- Announce AGM dates
- “Thank you all for the quick response – we have a new weekend to hold: June 13-14. with a backup with June 20-21 as backup
- Formal notice will be given the first week of June. Holds in the calendar”
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting