2019-06-19 Toronto Workers Co-op: All-Hands Meeting
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Time: Wed, June 12, 2019 @ 5-6pm ET
Location: https://meet.jit.si/hyphacoop
Attending: dcwalk, yurko, elon, patcon, ben
Notetaker: elon
Next: patcon, udit, dc, elon, yurko, garry, benedict
Bump to end on taking turn :)
- Previous Action Items
- patcon: update template with new call url
- patcon: update template with new format (example)
- patcon, garry: meet to discuss Admin PM & task tracking
- elon: organizing larger infra strategy WG meetings
ben: Aether coordinating and scheduling first meetings
- #action ben setting meeting with burak.
- #action add details to shared hackmd.
#action #longterm how do contracts work with us?
- #action solicit templates for contracts, and advice.
- Runthrough Announcements and Updates (add below)
- Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
Business Planning
- none.
- none until articles of incorp.
- ben: when hear back? dc: added to calendar. a few weeks. will followup by voice if issue. backup = mail.
- dc: lots of next steps, but in a bit of holding. possible mid-july ramp up.
Infra & Ops
- when2meet posted by @elon.
Business Planning
- Discussion
- Aether project checkin (ben)
- intro call: ben, yurko, pat + other interested
- #action next all-hands meeting discsusion of contracts.
- #action gather contract examples (all)
- Revisit hackfoldr for meeting index
- Task tracker update (patcon) (patcon)
- Coworking? (patcon)
- Infrastructure call agenda (ben)
- Aether project checkin (ben)
- Aether project checkin
- research previous examples of work arrangements
- external hourly rate? or other ways
- patcon constant struggle by hourly rate
- dawn prefers by hour
- yurko in the end it’s by hour anyways (hours are a commodity)
- client perspective vs. project team perspective vs. cooperative perspective
- research previous examples of work arrangements
- aether
- first call: what is aether. hellos.
- second call: business. engagement. #todo convo about contracts
- scope of work (in proposal hackmd)
- july call
- logisitics. schedules.
- dcwalk: wanting to collect examples of pricing/contract before 2nd meeting.
- Should have meeting about this before 2nd aether meeting
- short link service
- discussion about current workflow
- hackpad folder vs links
- Question about moving forawrd with shrot link service
- Yurko said it may be over enginered but its functional so no block
- Elon said it was fine the way it was
- No one blocked the use of the service
- moving forward with incorporating shot link service into workflow
- ben talked about how infrustucture group should have say in tools we use and take leadership driving that
- In business you are told what tools to use
- You are given the tools to use them
- We should entrust the infra WG to take on that decision
- ben - Some other services have not been fully adopted
- Time Tracking - we need to start putting time in
- Password Manager
- Better to “complete” (e.g. Loomio) one thing than start many things (e.g. shortlink, hackfoldr, password manager, timetracker are in this state atm)
- Completion means pushing one thing into our regular workflow, whereas things that are spun-up but not adopted by all becomes a burden to maintain and adds to cog overload
- discussion about current workflow
- Ben wants to on our next call try equal speaking time
Follow Up
Actionable Items
- patcon: Review past #todos and recover potentials lost items
Consensus by team members and cooperative about how to split $
- All: Research ahead of next meeting
- All: Discuss this item at next all-hands
- All: reflect on how we can interact in ways that make things move forward (e.g. forcing each other to express how they feel as to make others feel more permissioned to push things forward more assertively)