2020-01-15 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Jan 15, 5:00-5:30 pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: uv, pc, gi, el, bl, dc, later: yj
Cultivator: uv
Notetaker: pc Next up: yj, uv, gi, el, dc, bl, pc
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Standup Notes
Personal check-in
- what was your first email handle?
- ben: ben_11991001 (ICQ NUMBA 4LYFE)
- udit: udit10@ (age)
- garry: antixt@ (script kiddie)
- dc: used her a/s/l. burner addresses every yeeeeaaar. then greek mythos.
- Person: ben
- last: lots of docs. wrote dweb proposal.
- next: dweb call is next week. call with Wendy on Jan 21
- blockers: #todo needs feedback on https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing-private/pull/11
- Person: elon
- last: infra meeting.
- next: cultivating infra.
- blockers: none.
- Person: garry
- last: n/a
- next: catchup. branding work.
- udit: bizdev meeting wants to make easier for garry w/ limited time.
- blockers: feels in need of recap.
- Person: dc
- last: governance stuffs. cultivated gov wg! bizdev stuff. reviewed PRs. insurance call.
- next: more governance stuff re: objectives w goal-planning.
- blockers: none.
- Person: patcon
- last: recently updated tix, updated crm deals, emails (code for canada, bookkeeper), payroll was run, learning accounting software, wrote guide doc for storing sensitive information, email address policy, circle-ci deploy fixes in handbook
- next: figuring out personal emails (ben feels priority), getting bookkeeper sorted, push some bizdev activities forward (CfC or CWCF grant)
- blockers: none.
- Person: udit
- last: cultivation, biz planning, worked on intro deck. liking the momentum
- next: discuss intro deck feedback tomorrow
- blockers: no blocks
- Person: yj
- last: infra & finance meetings, late-night payroll party
- next: not much
- blockers: no blocks
- dweb. ben will be out that way for 6 wks. july 16.
- dc: #todo request for two questions. AGM stuff. by next week.
- dc: when AGM will happen. June 30 year-end. AGM must be before, to have bylaws. we need a time we can all be here. hold 1.5 days: AGM and funtimes and strategy.
- ben: in Toronto all days of May
- uv: i need bios from everyone #todo
Action Items
**To Dos** from All Hands Standup meeting:
- all: **feedback** for ben on dweb proposal in issue ⌛️ Jan 21 [organizing-private#11](https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing-private/pull/11)
- all: review and offer **feedback** on intro deck [organizing#136](https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/136)
- all: **submit** bio for intro deck [organizing#136](https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/136)
- all: **answer** 2 quick questions for Governance WG [organizing#102](https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/102#issuecomment-574895106)
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