2019-10-09 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 @ 5-5:30pm
Location: https://meet.jit.si/hyphacoop
Attending: bl, yj, el, pc
Cultivator: pc
Notetaker: bl Next up: gi, uv, yj, pc, dc, el, bl
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Standup Notes
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Person: pc
- last:
- reticketing
- chatbot in a test chat matrix room
- pulling things from leads into hubspot
- lead dev: data
- next:
- resolution signing
- primal glow reach-out, opportunity to restart?
- blockers:
- bank account
- last:
Person: el
- last:
- jitsi server
- next:
- track time on clockify
- keep eye on infra
- blockers:
- none
- last:
Person: bl
- last:
- wrote proposal for distributed.press, shared with a bunch of ppl outside of hypha, discussed with udit
- mesh game, sat meeting with toronto mesh folks, became larger scoped project that hypha may take as a proposal, possibly with many local partners
- next:
- focus on aether work
- end of Oct conversation re: aether sales work
- get payment and sign contracts with aether
- finish bank account stuff before I leave
- blockers:
- bank account
- last:
Person: yj
- last:
- jitsi server ready, passed to el
- started getting bank account running, most likely will happen over the phone
- next:
- waiting for call-back
- blockers:
- timeeeeeeeeee
- last:
Resolutions and officer appointment wrap-up
original proposal, probably not really legally valid, because
from template for resolution
option A: using name “obfuscated” with different font, keep public or private
option B: using name clear, keep public or private
option C: have someone else as president
- pc: keep closed for now and sign A because more likely we’ll open it later
- yj: good A-C
- bl: slightly against A bc obfuscation is long-term risk but not blocking, block on C, prefer B keep private for now or public if everyone is fine with it
- concern with obfuscation = future searchability or leak into other places
CONSENSED on: (among all present)
- option A (obfuscated)
- open repo for now