2019-09-18 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Sept 18 @ 10-10:30am ET
Location: https://meet.jit.si/hyphacoop
Attending: patcon, udit, elon, yurko, dc, ben
Cultivator: patcon
Notetaker: dc Next up: gi, uv, bl, el, yj, pc, dc
- Check-in Question
- What is a memorable toy from your childhood that was owned by someone else? (Bonus points for non-video-games!)
- Board of Directors Meeting (10 min)
- Open meeting (confirm director attendance)
- Overview of appointment process (open nominations from membership, directors write resolution, open 50%+1 vote to accept, signing)
- Call for nominations (open to membership, self-nom ok)
- Directors deliberate and complete resolution
- Directors vote to accept resolution (3 of 4 support required)
- Close meeting (signing will occur after)
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Check-in Question
- patcon: tmnt pizza foam truck jealousy
- yurko: always wanted a nintendo but parents wouldn’t allow it. first console: wii
- udit: always wanted lego mindstorms robotics kit and NQC convinced highschool to start robotics club
- dc: k’nex rollercoaster and thumb pain
Board Meeting Notes
- (deferred until end, waiting on ben)
Standup Notes
Person: dc
- last: came back from not doing too much. tidy. review. minor revisions. values convo. handbook landed.
- next: serviceON account. busy otherwise.
- blockers: circleci vs travis? (we use both) auto-deploy handbook. which to use? #ask
Person: elon
- last: infra meeting move that process along
- next: nothing planned
- blockers: none
Person: yurko
- last: (september super busy) infra stuff, office mailman, backlog on loomio, started desjardin online acct setup application
- next: continuing to clear backlog, trying to find next place to jump in, planning next steps with aether
- blockers: loomio hard to keep up with
Person: udit
- last: CWCF proposal
- next: follow up on proposal, business planning meeting Sept 25 – in person at from later studio?
- blockers: none
Person: patcon
- last: working on initial return, aggregating bylaws and research, CRA my business acct, proposal for CWCF, resolutions?
- next: finalize hours worked, submit initial return, gh issues backedup
- blockers: how to handle SIN numbers
Person: ben
- last: accounting process sheet
- next:
- link CRA account to business (offer to do for dc and yj) + hang on to the paper
- call with Hema
- business plan section on financial forecast
- blockers: none
Articles amendment
- dc: how urgent? I’m thinking like within a year (AGM/Bylaws)
- patcon: not urgent, clear language for change
- dc: okay, seems like a process to change articles that might happen around bylaws
- udit, yurko, elon: not enough context to have thoughts, concerns
Circle CI (parked)
Board Meeting Notes
- Open meeting (confirm director attendance)
- patcon, yurko, ben, dc (directors), elon, udit
- patcon: Overview of appointment process (open nominations from membership, directors write resolution, open 50%+1 vote to accept, signing)
- any questions?
- Call for nominations (open to membership, self-nom ok)
- call for nominations for President?
- dc: ben, patcon, yurko
- yurko: will accept, but not as okay
- patcon: does not accept
- ben: does accept
- ben: nominate dawn
- dc: does not accept
- Ben withdraws nomination
- Yurko accepts / acclaimed as president
- dc: ben, patcon, yurko
- call for nominations for Secretary?
- yurko: nominates ben as secretary
- ben: accepts
- Benedict accepts / acclaimed as Secretary
- call for nominations for President?
- Directors deliberate and complete resolution
- patcon: will open resolution to add text
- using a template from co-operative
- dc: why does only one person sign? (I’m not familiar with this)
- ben: would prefer one signer
- dc: no block but would have others sign
- patcon: will open resolution to add text
- Directors vote to accept resolution (3 of 4 support required)
- Vote: unanimous, all four Directors approved
- Close meeting (signing will occur after)
- Patcon and Yurko to stay on the close off signing