2020-07-15 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: el, gi, uv, bl yj
Cultivator: uv
Notetaker: yj yj, dc, gi, el, pc, bl, uv
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
Person: bl
- last:
- payroll this friday
- QB and trasnfer wise intergration
- meet.coop meetings, org structure
- PCC call - now know what “that thing is”
- email leak communication all wrapped up
- Aether, Distributed Press
- CWCF 2x grants
- OC fiscal hosting investigation and business continuity
- next:
- apply to one grant
- distributed press
- meet.coop
- tomesh
- blockers:
- none but vacation last week july 25ish for one week
- last:
Person: gl
- last:
- busy month @ work + teaching
- next:
- teaching web cours at OCAD (undergrad)
- our networks
- blockers:
- work gets in the way
- our networks
- last:
Person: el
- last:
- backup on new server working
- meet.coop
- next:
- infra to deploy to new server
- tomesh stuff
- blockers:
- no blockers
- last:
Person: uv
- last:
- emails emails emails
- creative desconstruction project
- PCC stuff
- QM coordinations
- emails emails emails
- next:
- big QM session (Less coord-more work for QM)
- OKR stuff
- blockers:
- none
- last:
Person: yj
- last:
- Work stuff
- Tomesh stuff
- Finance + Infra wg
- next:
- Tomesh, about to start launching a mesh network in toronto “very toronto mesh”
- blockers:
- Work is pretty busy
- last:
- AS for Toronto Mesh
- Thurs meeting
- Last week - proposal to get AS for tomesh
- Apply and get IP addresses
- Discuss internal proposal
- yj explains how AMPRNet works
- yj: tomesh will be the abuse contact
- only affect us if it escalates
- yj: next steps - Hypha to create ARIN account, get exact quote, wait for ISOC money to come thru then register and request for IP blocks
- uv: make sure someone else in
- yj: OC is another phase
Hypha to create ARIN account, get exact quote, wait for ISOC money to come thru then register and request for IP blocks (unless quotes turn ot very different)
- 4/5 attendees positive; 1 no block
- Join May First (mailing list for Toronto Mesh and Distributed Press)
- ournetworks use mayfirst for infra (next cloud, mailing list, etc.)
- garry - “it works”
- yj:
sudo apt-get install mailman
- #todo try running mailman ourselves
- Distributed Press
- Passbolt (for ext collaborator)
- yj: risk is whoever gets added gets accidently shared a password they shouldn’t see
- e.g. accidentally added ppl to a group
- not super concerned
- decision to have Mai use this
- Calendar (for ext collaborator)
- el: share calendar from SoGo
- el: there is an edit link
- #todo bl to try
- Mailman
- #todo el spin it up with ansible by end of week
- Passbolt (for ext collaborator)
- OKR’s
- skipped
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to [task board][tasks] - Publish meeting notes as [open access][public], or [publicly indexed][index] with [restricted access][private]
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting