2020-03-11 Hypha Worker Co-op: Governance WG Meeting
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Time: Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020 @ 9:15am-12:30pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: bl, dc
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: bl
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Task Board Review | 20 |
Check-in on OKRs | 20 |
Discussions | 40 |
Co-work | 30 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- Feeling on work on gov, ops?
- dc: honour/take the point from infra that they are not interested in ops
- bl: need to clear ops things. Make issues ready for “ops” only work
- Seperation between ops and gov
- dc:
- gov, slow moving stuff touch infrequently (AGM, bylaws)
- ops, day-to-day policies, procedures, effective work
- dc:
- dc: gov is fine, on track for AGM, month out from distributing info
- bylaw drafting (slightly behind and not much) + AGM planning
- e.g. allowing remote partipation for director meetings, etc.
- pc has a lot of knowledge about bylaws
- dc: ops, we’ve done pressing ops things, but a lot of confusion around who (infra/ops) doing what
- not a lot of conversation b/w ops people doing stuff
- update meeting?
- #todo dc back-to-back meetings, seperate calendar item
- #todo bl “working groups” default template, let groups make their own
Task Board Review
- Archive Done tasks
- done
- Review HIGH
- done
label review- done
label review- done
- Triage new tasks
- Archive Done tasks
Check-in on OKRs
OKR tracking sheet
- bl: what does “Develop working definition of “Local Solidarity” and “Decentralized Neighbours” entail?
- dc: changes in handbook language, build collective understanding of these terms
- scope of roles
- dc and uv favour more large encompassing roles > micro-roles
- bl: micro-roles easier to transition, but also agree hard to manage lots of micro-roles
- “effective remote organization”
- we should do something for Q2, define more KR
- “fair” / office hours to check-in on
- issue of who is on calls, who talks more
- ways to create additional feedback mechanisms/channels
- using these selectively in critical contexts very important
- bl: what does “Develop working definition of “Local Solidarity” and “Decentralized Neighbours” entail?
- Terminology to use in Employee Agreement, IP Agreement, Finance docs
- Prefer to use
where we can - Use
where we can to stick with legal language -
is a Member unless they are in the probation period
- Prefer to use
- Meeting minutes book
- need sense we can move forward
- hasn’t been discussed at all hands
- PR ready to move in
- link-breaking move into folder #todo bl merge
- transfer to jekyll
- dc will leave feedback in issue
- need sense we can move forward
- dc have read docs, $200-600 WSIB a year but it’s bc we are classified very low
- suggest to reclassify given change in work, need to know our earnings (based on gross earnings)
- this protects employer, not employees
- in case of reported workplace injury, member will be paid thru wsib regardless, but if we don’t have proper wsib coverage the employer is at risk (e.g. fining)
- #decision dc: proposes to get reclassified and pay for it (est. $200-400 in first year)
- “once you get ladders you’re in a required industry”
- #todo bl: communicate to members that this does not block current project proposals
#101 By-law planning
- dc: start at template and modify, look at resource from other co-ops
- #todo bl: skim bylaw examples in google drive, read AGM planning doc
- #todo dc: prep working [meeting] doc for next meeting
#102 AGM status update
- Quick summary of planning: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fBm-OB_haaGEIEDGvekMA9wivjJNiA1MCP1Qf-i6QbA/edit?ouid=114071245511075726689&usp=docs_home&ths=true
- April 15 initial email out
- May package with schedule
- #todo dc: #14 “Good member” desc. for AGM!!!! add to sched.
- bl: possibly co-write some of that based on draft after discussing first year frictions
- #todo dc: #104 Amending articles – make clear in planning doc
- #toho bl:
label on gh? dc: sure, if helpful
- Quick summary of planning: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fBm-OB_haaGEIEDGvekMA9wivjJNiA1MCP1Qf-i6QbA/edit?ouid=114071245511075726689&usp=docs_home&ths=true
- WG description for Ops
- #todo draft an Ops WG description
- Other descriptions:
WG for drafting by-laws, articles of incorporation, and planning for the first General Meeting (and subsequent structure). Infrastructure@hyphacoop/infra-wg
WG for setting up our “virtual office”, in particular the infrastructure and processes to collaborate. Business Planning@hyphacoop/business-planning-wg
WG for performing feasibility study, and business planning to identify start up costs, fundraising mechanisms, and risks. Finance@hyphacoop/finance-wg
WG for establishing accounting practices, including setting up a bank account, administering payroll and expenses, invoicing, and handling remittances - Our new description:
WG for stewarding our shared practices and policies for effective remote collaboration. - #decision: THIS IS OUR NEW WORKING GROUP DESCRIPTION
- #todo bl: change shortlinks and meeting templates to match github readable name of wgs (but don’t change github labels and tags)
- #todo dc: update handbook with wg descriptions (assigned issue)
- Organization roles (parked)
- #90 Add why’s to Service Inventory
Need to talk abt
- Ops role in documentation (esp. handbook)
Process Checkout
- Didn’t do
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
[ ]:person
to task board - Publish meeting notes to GitHub
- Publish meeting template for next meeting
- dc back-to-back meetings, seperate calendar item
- bl “working groups” default template, let groups make their own
- communicate to members that this does not block current project proposals
- bl: skim bylaw examples in google drive, read AGM planning doc
- dc: prep working [meeting] doc for next meeting
- dc: #14 “Good member” desc. for AGM!!!! add to sched.
- dc: #104 Amending articles – make clear in planning doc
- bl: change shortlinks and meeting templates to match github readable name of wgs (but don’t change github labels and tags)
- dc: update handbook with wg descriptions (assigned issue) PR =>
bl: add
label on gh