2019-05-29 Toronto Workers Co-op: Business Planning
Time: Wed May 29 @ 18:00 - 20:00 EDT
Location: OCAD 2nd Floor Cafeteria
- dc (cultivator)
- udit
- benedict
- yurko
- garry
- dc
- Discussion: Review business plan and Y1 strategic/financial plan. Key points: 4. Membership - Member classes - Member fees - Relationship between employee and member, founding members 5. Projects: Pricing and Leads - Leads and opportunities - Project pricing - Discuss alongside “first project” examples: Aether; Fee-for-service Cloud; Consulting (Patcon’s) 6. Compensation - Relationship of “billable” and “non-billable” work and compensation - Wage (Living Wage, Guaranteed Income) 7. Financal Plan - Y1 operating costs - Projected income (profit-loss) statement 8. Strategic Plan (lite) 9. Review/walkthrough Articles of Incorporation
4. Membership
Member classes
Member fees
- [name=patcon] money vs time for buy-in
no desire to block on one-time or recurring fees, but only understanding it as means to create buy-in/ownership (initially), and healthy membership atrophy (recurring).
interested in finding other ways to guage/build the above things in long term. others seeem to agree.
Feel there are other, more aligned metrics to do that.
Feel inclined to set 0$ for all fees, and lean on some other metric.
- Curious about using time as both buy-in metric, and yearly membership check-in.
Unsure if min % or static hours is best.
Time-tracking is category-specific, and knows “internal” vs “client-billable”
I feel our membership entry/renewal metric could be time-centric and category-specific.
- Encourages time-tracking from the first stages of membership convos.
Mature and failed co-ops flagged time-tracking as very important step in growth.
building this capacity as part of member onboarding feels significant: “we don’t want your money, but we want commitments to be legible to one another”
Traditional co-ops might not have a way to participate in internals before memberizing.
Our open source work and open resources mean that folks can contribute time before memberizing or even contracting.
Disclosure: I am prone to anti-patterns through overestimation of others’ and underestimation of my own time commitments. But there are more systemic perks we’ve heard from other orgs.
- [name=patcon] money vs time for buy-in
Relationship between employee and member, founding members
- DC: From Fourth Pig, this can be more straightforward than thought. Recommend ALL sign articles of incorporation b/c benefits without obligations, but just the subset who indicated interest sign on as Directors of the Board.
Consensed on single class of membership
Approved with no blocks a $0 membership fee
Approved proposal for all involved to sign as a Founding Member but not as Initial Directors (unless they want to)
5. Projects: Pricing and Leads
- Leads and opportunities
- Project pricing
- Discuss alongside “first project” examples: Aether;
Fee-for-service Cloud; Consulting (Patcon’s); Udit
Start with three pitches:
- Aether (general sense of fit)
- hourly rate are we okay with it?
- some capcity, we are on the learning side (understood and okay with that)
- Patcon’s: Consult (less, but sense that it fits)
- consultation; maybe moves into implementation (unclear)
- Is it okay if projects are individual?
- Prioritizing repeat and ongoing leads
- timeline: immediate, lead generation
- budget: unknown
- Udit’s (less clear but sense)
- (unprepared)
- lead through other employer involved in much larger set of strategy and development
- sub outcomes: technologies they want to build: website; design deliverables
- coop as vendor
- timeline: project mid-2020; implementation late-2020
- budget: unknown (bit potential range)
Opening to discussion:
- Member involvement (stronger?)
- no issue or hard no with people running individual projects through the co-op
- build a texture/develop shape for involvement of multiple members important for now
- Are there things people don’t want to work on?
- e.g.: dc “no military contractors”
- Develop a priority matrix as part of our strategic
- #todo Leads (over time):
- develop pitch template
- portfolio/bios
- initial phase priority matrix
- next step on Aether Pitch: async develpo project back
- Project Pricing
- Hourly? Project rates?
- Reduction/discount for “neighbours”
- Retainer model (up to hours or above # at a rate)
- Clear deliverables and scope (project management!!)
- Our internal calculations?
- hourly
- not seperate per role/hourly rate
- but some “roles” e.g., admin, copywriting
- (do we reveal an hourly rate that we bill out?)
- In lead discussions: we need to be armed with some “quick math”:
- one-pager near term important
- udit: bottom-up (hours); top-down (client; spend;)
- #todo Pricing next steps:
- collect/share some examples
- task/rate sheet midterm goal
- pricing math
6. Compensation
- Relationship of “billable” and “non-billable” work and compensation
- Wage (Living Wage, Guaranteed Income)
- Preliminary discussion but needs more, in concert with project
7. Financal Plan
- Y1 operating costs
- Projected income (profit-loss) statement
- Skipped due to lack of time
8. Strategic Plan (lite)
- Skipped in interest of time
9. Review/walkthrough Articles of Incorporation
- Had a ceremonial signing, photographed!
Follow Up
Actionable Items
- ino-wg: Migrate Loomio to hypha.coop
- all: collect examples for handbook toolchain discussion
- ben: next step on Aether Pitch: async develop project back
biz-wg Leads next steps (over time):
- develop pitch template
- portfolio/bios
- initial phase priority matrix
ino-wg Pricing next steps:
- collect/share some examples
- task/rate sheet midterm goal
- pricing math
Upcoming Discussions
- Review Y1 strategic/financial plan:
- Compensation
- Relationship of “billable” and “non-billable” work and compensation
- Wage (Living Wage, Guaranteed Income)
- Financal Plan
- Y1 operating costs
- Projected income (profit-loss) statement
- Strategic Plan (lite)
- Compensation
- Design jamming continues
- Check-in on Transition of Infrastructure (and Cleanup)
- decision: using shortlinks in official way
- Check-in dc’s research/study proposal
- Finances software