2020-10-07 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: Oct 7 @ 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: el, uv, gi, pc, dc, bl (yj driving)
Cultivator: pc
Notetaker: bl dc, gi, el, uv, pc, yj, bl
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: el
- last: Meet.coop meeting. TURN server for Meet.coop. tomesh
- next: how to move loomio to our infra
- blockers: code review by ben
- Person: uv
- last: grants. a bunch of them. mostly DSF. Qm co-work. IRP review. Distributed Press ramp up
- next: bizdev calls. co-work with dc
- blockers: Oct is real heavy
- Person: gi
- last: no real updates. figured out VPN
- next: no availability yet
- blockers: time
- Person: pc
- last: IRP draft. Matt re: co-op development, etc. letters of recommendation. StART
- next: integrate reviews. double down on StART. another call with Stephanie in Quebec. submit IRP. update articles of incorp.
- blockers: finding good place to work in apartment
- Person: dc
- last: StART. co-work with uv for Qm. invoicing. internal ops stuff. grants grants grants.
- next: insurance stuff. co-work on Qm. wrap up StART
- blockers: busy and feeling not effective. workshop next wkend. two conferences
- Person: bl
- last: accounting. qb setup. check off tiny boxes. cc. coordinating cwcf contract signing+bills. cwcf report work. compost. sorted meet.coop accounting.
- next: write 3 reports on each grant before payout. compost. stepping back more from meet.coop. meeting with simply secure for meet.coop. COMPOST: meeting with scott@gitcoin, re: quadratic funding. ethereum funding. best case for COMPOST: 3 funders + 2 fundraising platforms
- aether: ramping up fundraising. VC.
- rate cards.
- meet.coop website update. will have Hypha logo
- blockers: yj help on desjardins cc limit + auto-pay from CRA.
- accidental bizdev. ournetworks+datatogether.
- via ournetworks: late oct. informal systems. co-op as LLC. blockchain. well-funded. dc, bl, uv, maybe pc
- via datatogether: early nov. stephen. with connection with enspiral. dc, uv, pc
- #todo:dc will run poll
- PCC: bimonthly check-ins for digital co-ops?
- LANE digital. creative company. meet and greet
- DUCA. impact lab. fintech for coops. p2p lending. immigrants, etc. access to capital and lending
- transition into project pitch
- then go-to service provider for DUCA
- came from Ukai
- #prev tracking hours after pay period (pc) fin+ops
- #prev tax returns sync (ben)
- #next OKR review. feedback. replace discussion. 30 min.
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting