2020-04-20 Hypha Worker Co-op: Infrastructure
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Time: 5:15-6:15pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: yj, el, bl
Cultivator: yj
Notetaker: bl
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
How is everyone surviving these past week?
- yj: jitsi tv party
- bl: watch movie together + mumble in bg
- yj: jitsi has push to talk too if you hold the spacebar
- el: mess with bbb with some friends
- yj: thinking about tomesh meeting virtual
- nopes
Task Board Review
- Review DONE tasks
- #244 will be this week!
- #246 el needs to do still, write policy on covid page
- #239 ongoing
#262 shortlinks, el checked config files
- el: logged in to rebrandly, things seem normal
- bl: pls write comment in issue what you have done so results don’t get duplicated
- yj: will take this on, look at rebrandly logs and see if makes more sense to do custom js thing
#131 email
- el: don’t want to break something
- yj: fixed
- bl: how can we ensure things move forward from here?
- yj:
emails, we have forwarders- make sure everyone knows about their hypha mailboxes
- el: everything goes thru
now - bl: why can’t we just forward
to whateveruser.x@hypha.local
forwards to
- clarified todos and that there are no more blocks preventing this from getting done
- set deadline to April 27, 2020 to complete, so we can give update on next full all hands
- yj: at coming standup, will ask ppl what email we need some services to go to (e.g. hubspot)
- moved to high priority
#175 passbolt
- yj: want to backup nightly, phase 1 just between yj and el to start!
#253 “ansible stuff”
- bl: now less urgent, should continue conversation, but less urgent than emails
- yj: making 1 star, but if BBB project comes in this will be bumped
- bl: will keep looking for ways to fund this in the meantime
#265 label
- bl discussed how this works and where we’re at
- yj taking this on, try to understand how this works…
- bl: lower priority than email (2 star) but pretty high
- Review
- …
- Monitoring
- el: prometheus
- yj: have some services we want to keep track of, your thoughts on tool? prometheus? zabbix?
- bl: what are the requirements?
- yj: be proactive vs. reactive about our environment
- tool choice probably not difficult to switch, ok with choosing something and move fwd
- el: got prom to msg me on matrix
- yj: is zabbix push or pull?
- el: zabbix pulls from remote (like prom)
- el: stunnel set up, can be private
- yj: very easy, can specify which host can pull from it
- yj: like prom database, very searchable
- yj: maybe we can run both and see what we like and what we don’t like?
- hmm…
- bl: prefers file based config in prom, zabbix has config all on database
- #todo el to spin up prom server (create an issue)
- bl: subtask to report status to matrix chat
- yj: subtask to use ansible playbook to deploy node exporter
- Checkin room
- bl: Use is as a progress check
- Hard block - i dont know how to move forward and need other opionon
- Soft Block - not really blocked but no idea how is doing
- be more communicative
- more aggressive in reporting status
- yj: how does this tie to clockify? need to do better
- bl: sees this different than time tracking
- all agree to do daily checkins at checkin room
- bl: Use is as a progress check
Process Checkout
- el, bl: think it went really well
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- business-planning: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- finance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- infrastructure: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting