2019-03-13 Toronto Workers Co-op: All-Hands Meeting
Time: Wed, Mar 13 @ 5-6pm ET Location: https://appear.in/offline Attending: patcon, udit, dcalk, yurko, elon, benhylau
- Past Action Items
- Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
- Taking on Opportunities
- Choose Our Name
- Switch to Jitsi
Past action items
- Will people speak freely being recorded?
sched call with co-op devs. waited. patcon made protocol for humane recording.
- Read summaries > watch videos (what is a good way to capture information to be accessible?)
- Will this support us or future folks?
Quick Working Group Updates
- Business Planning: Plan is half filled
- Finance: Not much happened
- writing grants together with others (eg. Law & Design CoLab, Dames Making Games)
- Governance: Expect to summarize profit vs. non-profit piece soon
- Infra & Ops: Holding
Taking on Opportunities
- Session to write grants together
- Sit in the same room to write independent grants together
- Dames Making Games
- Law & Design Colab
- Sit in the same room to write independent grants together
- “Don’t meet any less than once a week”
- Infra group needs to draft a process to decide whether to take on a project
- When there is a RFP, how to go about it:
- Call a meeting
- These are the skills needed, temp check on proposal, do we want to commit
- Timeline for decision
- Personal networks to draw on for skills we don’t have in house
- Udit: short timeline projects have a sponsor: assemble the team
- Proposal: “Project Steward”
- Dawn:
- I think there might be a way that we have different risk tolerances
- How do we figure out how to say yes to each other as much as possible (in line with values and 7 cooperative principles)
- ben: Risks I felt:
- No legal entity yet
- Don’t know how to quote / bill / distribute
- Unknown aggregate capacity
- Lack second-hop talent / capacity network
- Don’t know how to say yes to each other
- ben feels we need much more of the above figured out
- dcwalk feels like we can figure out a subset of what have to be decided, knowing the rest will involve minimal risk (we all know each other and have worked together for years)
- udit: thinking about per-project risk
Voted: Consensed to switch to weekly meeting schedule, this timeslot
Choose Our Name
- https://loomio.cryptography.dog/p/SOsB0eai
- no strong objections to top two: hypha, dripline, no blocks on those
- one with most concerns… (random assembly) is lowest in the ranking, only higher than chosing a new name
- CRITICAL TODO: Ask Garry to vote with comment: “we have voted, no strong opinions, also–discussed that we think branding will be important to set the tone of any name”
Switch to Jitsi
- Dawn: critical issue with Jitsi and mic rn. Will test and update
- Ben: I think we will retire appear.in and ben will cancel his account
Action Items
- benhylau: Schedule CoopDevs call (without recording)
- pat + udit: To fill business plan sheet
- dcwalk: set up calendar to weekly meetings
- dcwalk: ask garry to vote on loomio name (by email, all can see and chime in ;))