2020-08-19 Hypha Worker Co-op: All Hands
from template | Meetings |
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Code |
Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: bl, el, uv, pc
Cultivator: el
Notetaker: pc + uv yj, dc, gi, bl, el
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Working Group Updates | 5 |
Project Updates | 5 |
Discussions | 20 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkin
- pc: coming back to TO next week, getting married!!! In NY right now
- el: doing infra work, staging area
- bl: working a lot, too much!!!
- uv: doing mostly ok having trouble sleeping
- accounting fees due in September, looking for CWCF grant
- May need to ammend our bylaws
- Hema feels we’re taking a very complex approach to accounts, especially for a young coop
Task Board Review
Archive DONE tasks
- #282 Rebrandly task done
Review HIGH
tasks -
Triage NEW tasks
- …
- (udit flagged some things don’t happen ever, e.g., up-prioritizing backlog items)
Assign UNASSIGNED tasks
- …
Working Group Updates
Business Planning
- bl: flagged need for more focus on direct sales. convo tomorrow.
- discussed personal and organizational sustainability concerns: not flagging problems we have with coop.
- bl: not doing things efficiently, and not improving. don’t have culture to talk about and improve.
- bl: very diconnected with rate card. e.g., can’t imagine certain rates for target clients.
- bl: not sustainble personally
(bl)- wagepoint integration into QB
- starting to think on open collective (might just enable)
- …
- getting pretty stressful, re: books.
- NEW: multicurrency for QB
- … (bl stepped away)
- dc working on AGM ticket
- applying for asn
- VPN setup
- working to figure out mounts
- … (nothing to report)
- cowork last week. recent merges. e.g., handbook.
- cleaned up service inventory spreadsheet.
- WG membership needs to change a bit
- e.g., yurko: infra => bizdev
- operations needs a step-up. ben leaving.
Project Updates
- aether. […]
- code for canada. […]
#todo pc sched 1-on-1 with dc
- Client
- spoke to backend team
- info arch convos. data. storage.
- new call next week. more research questions came from backend team convos. re: standards. regulatory structures.
- going great!
- meet.coop
- bl: taking lots of time
- feels there’s a project to showcase, re: our contributions on virtual office.
- close to compensation scheme, but far from income streams
- platform6 is great. <3 oli (bizdev)
#322 budgeting- concerns about finance (bl)
- uv: scope = bill payments for sept.
- bl: one client hasn’t paid. concerned.
- bl: we NEED a buffer. $1000 buffer? MOAR
- uv: this is normal for small orgs.
- credit access is normal.
- upcoming deadline? end of first full fiscal year?
- people might be understanding of late payments due to covid
- OR delayed payroll, voluntarily
- bl: small numbers, but $160,000 in debt with labour
- patcon’s plan
- don’t feel short on capacity, per se
- coming back and realizing i don’t feel great about how i’ve been unable to generate money or sustainable projects for self and org.
- wondering whether i should be looking elsewhere for more structure, perhaps part-time
- recognize i’ve not been great at focussing on money-making efforts of co-op before
- hoping to look for ruthlessly for money-making opportunities in hypha
- VPN (el)
- when to use? when outside canada, for banking (e.g., desjardin)
Process Checkout
- …
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting