2020-01-13 Hypha Worker Co-op: Infra & Operations
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Time: Mon, Jan 13, 2020
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: patcon, elon
Cultivator: patcon
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 1 |
Task Board Review | 10 |
Announcements | 3 |
Discussions | 15 |
Process Checkout | 1 |
Personal Checkins
- …
Task Board Review
- Archive Done tasks
- Review HIGH
- Triage new tasks
- missing labels
- … skipped.
- patcon: what is our idealized infrastructure criteria?
- repeatable infra as code
- what tools would be good?
- terraform
- ansible
- what tools would be good?
- centralized backup offsite
- pc: what backup tool?
- borg
- ???
- pc: what backup tool?
- el’s: emails backup encrypted off-site
- email server and content
- though no hypha content, just el’s
- monitoring (base OS)
- yurko: ticketing system, to have numbers
- github, but clients likely won’t use
- patcon’s ideal
- backup tool
- monitoriing accessible by all members of organization
- config management
- app deployment platform from git repo
- config for server hardening
- hardening.io
- have user for all hypha members (at least all ops team) on all servers we say are self-hosted
- testing of infra as code (test-kitchen, infrastructure tests like rspec tests)
- patcon: idea: followup and ops checklist?
- repeatable infra as code
- yurko: most critical infra is passbolt
- loomio (digitalocean backup)
- not enabled
- not jitsi
- loomio (digitalocean backup)
- misc
- yurko: every client will have different needs
- elon: might pick the wrong one
- yurko: feels like it’s hard to know what we should learn
- yurko: costs money to develop on something like digital ocean, instead of just own servers
- patcon: can develop on the hour, and destroy regularly, so cost can be really negligible
- yurko: don’t know what we want to do… cpanel or heroku or something else
- deciding on something would help us define direction
- yurko: this is really a volume game
- majority of ppl just want a website
- yurko: what is the package that clients are paying for: mail? hosting?
- patcon: would we want to accept hosting by another co-op, or would we resist that?
- elon: if they’re still around, why not?
- what if we struck an agreement with other tech co-ops to pay for their hosting with our work?
- would we be eager for this?
- yurko +1
- elon +1
- what’s first step? discussion? writing proposal?
- yurko: keep it high level first
- DECISION: look into ways to learn from co-op hosters and maybe get free hosting in process
- yurko: theory > realworld. co-op placement.
- #todo proposal for infra-ops WG
- share as all-hands, but more FYI. open to feedback.
- would we be eager for this?
- to pay for $10 droplet we’d need to bring in $77 of business
- yurko: do we even want to run our own email server?
- elon: would be open to it
- patcon: no for me, but no blocker
- yurko: never doing alone
- yurko: #todo walkthrough of heroku
- anything i should learn?
Process Checkout
- patcon: we went long. 1.5h
- yurko: but was conversation that needed to happen
- patcon: yurko next week cultivator
- is elon interested to cultivate in infra? yes
- rotate patcon, yurko, elon, …? all: ok
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes to GitHub
- Publish meeting template for next meeting