2020-04-22 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: dc, yj, el, uv, bl, gi
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: bl dc, pc, uv, gi, yj, el, bl
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Coronavirus Zone đź¦
- CERB eligibility
- BL: Personal application, made eligibility requirement changes. If you were paid more than $5000 last year and less than 1000 in a 14-day period within one of the CERB 4-week periods this year. It’s very easy. As an employer, finance team can provide info on how much you earned.
Standup Notes
- Person: yj
- last: re-org on infra stuff, talking about running BBB for client, tie up loose ends in infra
- next: knock off some issues (e.g. labels and shortlinks), finish some finance stuff, get back to BBB potential client
- blockers: time
- Person: uv
- last: Qm, worked with covid-19 connecting work with CTTO, attended bizdev meeting
- next: similar ^
- blockers: heavy workload in other commitments
- Person: el
- last: BBB client proposal, email stuff, moved domain email contact to separate email
- next: more infra work
- blockers: waiting for hover to respond back to change email
- Person: bl
- last: finance– re-imbursements and roles, research on HST, hiring, convos with accountant good, infra – debugging and WG productivity, reliability
- next: formalize HST and finance stuff into handbook, unblock operations
- blockers: review from uv and dc on 2 PRs in queue
- Person: gi
- last: finding candidates for hiring for our project, look and feel for handbook
- next: follow up on website issues, dig deeper into hiring
- blockers: time, para siempre
- Person: dc
- last: covid-19 connecting, job description and hiring, quick chat in ops call, brand identity look and feel PR, outreach, bizdev social media, incremental website changes, hook into coop networks, call with CWCF network (love to discuss with this group later)
- next: next phase of emailing international coops for hiring, coop boards, target hire someone before May 1st, bylaws, review PRs
- blockers: the urgent things are stuff I don’t like to do :( will need someone to be on committee with some dev bg
- Cultivator for May (potentially reduced because of AGM)
- yj: can do beginning of month for sure, unclear about after (next full + next standup)
- gi: second half of month (after yj)
- dc: available to help yj and gi if needed as previous cultivator
- #todo dc: to add to small tasks
- Struggling with Jitsi, could we switch to BBB?
- uv: struggling esp with hackmd open (if both open, one of them starts failing)
- uv: can we switch to BBB
- dc: also for meeeeee, thinks it’s a memory leak with firefox
- uv: with chrome too
- yj: intermittent problems with jitsi, connection is weird, other ppl have reported this problem too
- infra is investigating with a packet capture now
- bl: supportive of BBB, moved half my calls to it, experience has been much better
- dc: other ppl, on our jitsi?
- gi: significant A/V lag
- uv: me too, lag
- dc: next all hands we switch to BBB
- jitsi native mobile app is really good
- bl: also no call-in number
- Payroll period adjustment
- bl: current pay period wrong (April pay period, April 15 pay date)
- but, work done in March
- there is a mismatch
- moving forward:
- pay period shifted to match actual hours worked
- pay date in arrears in middle of subsequent month
- dc: preference for monthly paycheque still, not eligible for CERB
- uv: not effected RE:CERB, no strong preference
- bl:
- pay day May 15 will cover pay period May 1-15, and will cover client work thru April 1-30
- pay day June 15 will cover pay period May 16-31, and will cover client work thru May 1-31
- bl: current pay period wrong (April pay period, April 15 pay date)
- Results from jitsi investigation during this call…
- yj: server load was high! even though it was not reported
- yj: server load was high! even though it was not reported
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting
- dc: will update BBB calendar links