2019-06-26 Toronto Workers Co-op: All-Hands Meeting
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Time: Wed, June 26 @ 5pm ET
Location: https://meet.jit.si/hyphacoop
Attending: Elon, Gary, Yurko, Pat
Notetaker: yurko (garry)
Next: patcon, udit, dc, garry, benedict, elon, yurko
Bump to end on taking turn :)
- Previous Action Items
- Runthrough Announcements and Updates (add below)
- Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
- Discussion
- Org PM role (patcon, garry)
- Using LinkedIn for Hypha brand (dcwalk, patcon)
- New meeting pace #decision (patcon)
- Loomio thread
- Proposal from poll Outcome: Meeting every 2 weeks, rotating between a casual 15-min (?) standup and a standard 60-min one (essentially once/month). (open for later revision)
- Started a Loomio thread on building a leads rubric (patcon)
Finance - Waiting on articles
Business Planning - No Update
Governance - No Update
Infra & Ops
- Review of infra list
- Garry suggested a CalDev “thing” (Google Calendar)
- Garry floated OwnCloud/NextCloud as a thing for file syncing
- Meeting Friday
- Review of infra list
PM role convo: https://hackmd.io/@patcon/ryMxS3okB/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2FrJknEG_BS_emlrsU_qvcZQ%3Fview?type=book
- PatCon - Org level pm to push initiative forward
- Questions in pad
- Distribute PM roll across two people due to bandwith
- Re-align to Initiatves vs WG
- Multidiciplanary team
- Org or Project level
- Clearly scope to org level
- “Want want to do X” vs “This is a infra”
- PM roll cultivate feedback
- Sprints
- Retros
- Build team effectiveness
- Develop kadence in team
- Challange of asyncronus
- Encouraging empathy and gratitude
- Follow through (help define)
- Clearly defined start of project
- Clearly defined end of project
- Deadlines
- Trello
- When trialing software
- Not written in stone
- Can you export/Escape hatch
- “exit” plan
- Kanban style
- Predictability
- Start and End date of trial
- retrospective
- did it work
- did it not
- Why
- Review next call
- Not disolve working group
- Clear idea what we need to be tackling in next…. months (4-5)
- When trialing software
- Other’s experience (Yurko):
- reflecting on his exprieence (organized chaos)
- wild-west of development
- Nice to work in a less chaotic way
- User research is a challenge
- We (Yurko’s workplace) tried a number of techiques (via distributed team)
- Resorted to a physical kaban for a project
- Do more video calls
- Regional managers meet 4 times a year
Contracts and money meeintg
LinkedIn as Branding
- We dont have a website
- LinkedIn is effort
- Who we are
- What we done
- Possibly forcing people onto it
- Do we want this thing?
- Do we tell people who we are some how else
- Is it ethicly not where we want to be
- Purpose
- Can’t advocate without a presence
- Would entities consider working with a group like this
- Do we want to be known?
- Yurko mentioned that currently Aether/Burak is low risk and good test
- Lead is generation important?
- Pat: Value lead generation
- is there enough bandwidth
- bring in contractors?
- Garry: start the converstion
- Transparent
Decision for meeting format
- Every two weeks week
- 15 min Stand up
- Every month formal
- +1 Elon Gary Yurko
- Every two weeks week
Follow Up
- Org PM role (patcon, garry)
Actionable Items
- Review past #todos and recover potentials lost items
Consensus by team members and cooperative about how to split $
- All: Research ahead of next meeting
- All: Discuss this item at next all-hands
- Ben wants to on our next call try equal speaking time
- All: reflect on how we can interact in ways that make things move forward (e.g. forcing each other to express how they feel as to make others feel more permissioned to push things forward more assertively)
- create thread for discussion of lead generation
Upcoming Discussions
- LinkedIn as Branding