2020-03-25 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://bbb.hypha.coop/b/ben-nyz-mag
Attending: bl, uv, el, gi, yj, dc (late)
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: uv
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
Person: el
- last: spun up nextcloud instance, cleaned up expired domains, tried two different “collabora” and “onlyoffice” (google doc alternatives)
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/239
- cowork on covid website
- next: more infra work
- blockers: no blockers
- last: spun up nextcloud instance, cleaned up expired domains, tried two different “collabora” and “onlyoffice” (google doc alternatives)
Person: bl
- last: cowork on covid website, covidwhelmed, generating leads on projects related to covid. making progress on distributed press. also excited about nextcloud being used on future projects. note: robert might join call to try out BBB
- next: finance, ops, gov stuff. dc is working on internal covid response –> surfacing other wg concerns. dc also looked at CWCF response, something we can possibly look in to on finance side.
- blockers: questions about what is Hypha’s strategy around covid moving forward (to take up on bizdev). time, priorities, and an eye infection.
Person: gi
- last: covid website (on thursday/friday). nav is now working on low res.
- next: gi available to pair on anything monday/tuesday next week.
- blockers: none. bl is threatening to book gi during all his availabilities
Person: uv
- last: client session and prep for next session
- covid and attending virtual office hour
- next: same stuff
- blockers: overwhelming sense of dread
- last: client session and prep for next session
Person: yj
- last: Swamped @ work with Covid 19 stuff. Nothing more.
- next: Possible more swampieness. If possible focus on finance (working on reimbursement process)
- blockers: microscopic enemy
Person: dc (bright and clear on webcam)
- last: participated in covid website work, covid webinars, qm restarted. excited with all client work. start sprint went well. pc has asked for stopping sprint until april 6th
- next: client cowork and session, okr process, covid response (internal and more generally in terms of how to be a good person in the world)
- blockers: videocall fatigue (uv +1)
- some conversations can be async, but there’s value in doing actual calls
- bl: what happens to start?
- dc: client flagged that it could be paused considering ongoing concerns at the city
- abt to move into discovery of next phase, but our collab postponed
- concerned about project continuing to be on pause
OKR Process
- OKR process https://hackmd.io/ImMcCS6hTQWcCStwHK8qRA?view
- Week 1 of quarter: Recap and review + Individual Brainstorming Org-Wide Goals @ All Hands
- Week 2 of quarter: Working Group goals identified and refined into OKRs
- Week 3 of quarter: Present and Agree on OKRs
- Question on “name” –> what level? (dc: depends on WG: either whole group or individual leading)
- for next quarter, lighter touch since we did for Q1/Q2 last time
- compressed version next time (next two weeks)
- process checkout at the end of the second week
- No more questions
- Approach:
- #todo dc: to clean up, PR to merge an “under construction” in handbook, do a refinement while trialing the process next two weeks
COVID-19 response next steps
- Social media
- dc taking over, talked over ops role including the role out plan that was in the hackmd
- dc two proposals:
- caremongerTO group: what is the next iteration
- what would be the ask if we’re sharing with CWCF
- uv: the only ask now is to share with org internally, and if they can spread the msg
- dc: agree, hesitation here is… way too many resources that are taking ppl’s attention
- lots of resources
- dc: too many “list of lists”, fragmented, can we be more thoughtful
- bl: people sharing how they work internally, saturation of this
- we actually do “digital coaching and infra”
- we can work with orgs at a deeper level
- “handholding”, 1-on-1’s
- how to emphasize the messaging
- dc: refining of our messaging
- need better takeaways, ours is presumptive
- we presume knowledge
- agree that we shoudn’t be creating another generic resource
- we should hang out with common knowledge people
- potentially partner, or provide matchmaking
- upcoming hackathon this weekend
- create patch dynamics instead of centralizing resources
- “patch dynamic” is back
- uv: how do you see patch dynamic happen?
- making sure we are boosting the right signal
- dc: mainly boosting
- commonknowledge, peering with…
- finding an org, to enable that, in an open way
- “best efforts are the ones that are not seen at citywide scale”
- uv: understand where are the efforts that we want to support
- internally have a sense
- dc doesn’t want this to be exhaustive, there are plenty of lists-of-lists
- dc less excited about institutional efforts (bl: +1)
- low hanging fruit automation, devops-y
- talk to grassroot groups
- data needs now to prevent clawbacks later?
- e.g. evictions? lack of internet access tenants assoc, OCAP, ACORN, Parkdale Mutual Aid Network etc..
- data heavy like “covidtracker twitter account”
- app building
- data needs now to prevent clawbacks later?
- craft a model, this is what we can do, and be matched to an org
- associate with a “rad group”
- mostly design work
- moderation
- dc: don’t think the “volunteer model” builds community in the long run, prefers a model that makes their neighbour talk to each other a lot
- jane mcalevey talks
- bl: would work thru institutions paid, but less willing to devote precious volunteered time
- focus on promoting grassroots projects, building neighbourhood
- is volunteering just to help people feel better?
- interested in bottom up, whereas (centrally coordinated) volunteering might be more top down
- dc: volunteer will materially be helpful, but is temporary
- more interested in translating current efforts in to the future (past covid situation)
- Clarify the how we work sections, add takeaways – UV later in the week, DC can review
- uv: Add beginner friendly resources – add tonight UV
Align on what kinds of orgs and efforts we want to support
- Biz Dev chat about different opportunities
- Discuss different models (including ways of engaging/social media outreach)
Targeted development
- One graph of what we can offer and our intention/strategy for involvement, can share more broadly
Infra BBB recap
- updating BBB
Testing Big Blue Button
el: change default presentation
- yj: a PDF file on server you replace
- The file for the default presentation is located in
- The file for the default presentation is located in
- bl: to provide the PDF
- yj: a PDF file on server you replace
presentation uploading, can’t upload large files
- yj: fixed to 10/20 MB now
el: can we turn off the “you are now muted” voice each time we mute and unmute
- el: think it’s done
el: where do notes live?
- yj: if you do a recording, you can jump to the convo bc the notes are timelogged
- el: might be in database
- bl: has export function
- yj: can we replace with a hackmd (pass a URL)
el: shared notes OR chat, not both
- yj: old one, you can limit which windows are available, a xml file gets passed to define these things
<- old client -
<-new html5 - it’s a yml file now (bl: yay)
- yj: old one, you can limit which windows are available, a xml file gets passed to define these things
mic isolation?
- bl: won’t do
el: echo test happens every breakout, very annoying
- yj: might be in yml file
el: retention policy
- logs - default logs, use it for trouble shooting only, current retention is default
- uploaded content - PDFs, etc.
- in-session content - chat, video, etc.
- others
el: change default presentation
- dc cultivating next week
- dc social media cultivator for the next few weeks
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting