2020-04-22 Hypha Worker Co-op: Governance & Operations
from template | Meetings |
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Time: 9:30-11am ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: bl, dc
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: bl
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Co-work | 50 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- What’s happening in your life unrelated to Hypha?
- dc: reading “Ruined by Design”
- bl: resizing a picture frame
- None
Task Board Review
- Review
- …
label review- #101 dc: been drafting them, expect to take 3h, should be done by eod
- #133 bl: I haven’t start, both for members and contractors, will fork into two tasks
#155 bl: will call Hema. Scenario example very helpful
- bl: how to doc HST stuff?
- dc: can have HST subsection in Finance page
- bl: will keep HST scenarios in Finance tab
- bl: how to doc HST stuff?
#102 AGM next meeting
- dc: may try to push to June
- bl: not reason to have in May
- handbook#13 after bylaws
#202 peer feedback
- dc: we’ll do it not pc bc of timing
label review- #95 #201 waiting on feedback
#250 hiring
- dc: will eventually move process to handbook
- bl: if we hire foreign contractor, contractor will invoice us as corporation or individual, we pay bills via transferwise in one of the supported currencies, they have to take care of taxes
- bl: we need transfer of IP for orgs for contractor to sign
#217 workplace health and safety
- dc: we hav > 5 employees, need to do some extra stuff :D
- bulletin board, went thru checklist, …
- need to have a policy on workplace safety and on workplace harassment, etc.
- need to define a role “safety champion” do an online training :)
- everyone probably has to do an online training
- whole thing on MSD, one of our identified risks!
- #175 passbolt. bl: next on the list after emails, backup locally for now
- #97 time tracking. dc: some setup tasks not captured in finance role, this can be relevant, talk about it soon!
- #100 letterhead. dc: blocked on shortlinks, but can kinda move ahead
- #190 employment relationships. dc: ties into our other tasks, upgrade to 2 start
- Hiring for position update
- dc: outreach to individuals, tracked reachouts by gi, uv, dc
- dc: opportunity thru teacher in Alberta, but devs very junior
- have a senior mentor and pair with junior person
- bl: very difficult, client will be paying a lot for junior dev to learn stuff and then the mentor, doesn’t work for this project arrangement
- have a senior mentor and pair with junior person
- dc: uv, gi suggested hackerschool advertising?
- bl: should prioritize coop forums (e.g. cotech), concerned with culture fit
- dc: facttic/fiqus and a UK coop
- bl: can pass around in Spain, personal coop circles
- #todo:dc make job posting advertising channels into a spreadsheet
Candidates for co-work: CWCF call questions
Process Checkout
- parked
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting