2020-01-29 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020 @ 5-5:30 pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: yj, el, gi, dc, bl
Cultivator: dc (ish)
Notetaker: dc Next up: yj, uv, gi, el, bl, pc, dc
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: yj
- last: Finance and Infra meetings, learning new infra stuff
- next: continuing to learn, focus on payroll
- blockers: none
- Person: el
- last: Infra meeting
- next: Setting up email inboxes, working with new automation tools incl. ansible
- blockers: none right now
- Person: gi
- last: review on bizplanning deck, agm
- next: moving into deck to think through visuals alongside content
- blockers: finding time, away Feb 2-7
- Person: dc
- last:
- prep on AGM, sampled docs from various orgs
- biz planning stuff: grant prep
- governance meeting with patcon
- next:
- more AGM stuff
- for AGM, let dc and patcon know if dates change ASAP
- blockers: none
- last:
- Person: bl
- last: distributed.press interviews, bizdev grant review, new opps
- next: irp grant work, js opportunity, employee IP assignment? is needed?
- blockers: would like discussion with someone with js experience, need input from folks on bio and previous project summaries
AGM. Planning doc where you can see our work if you want!
- Dates, priority: May 30-31, Sat-Sun a lot of folks travelling around then, let us know ASAP if any changes
- Roughly, act requirements:
- (audited) financial statements
- confirm board of directors
- formally approve bylaws (bc it’s our first)
- any member can bring any business
- Balance that against “vision” aspects that you all gave us feedback on, will also include:
- in-person, social aspects, hangs with others
- collective and individual goal setting (peer model)
- WG reports, financial one most important
IP assignment. Needed?
- dc: not for next client which is starting ASAP. not sure about other factors
- bl: maybe same priority for now then (low)