2020-03-11 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wednesday @ 5 - 6 pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: yj, el, uv, gi, bl, pc, dc
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: dc Next up: yj, el, uv, gi, bl, pc, dc
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
Person: gi
- last: Worked on website
, aligned with deck. Some followup items.
- next: time to work on website proper, including IA, refined visual style, incl. content
- blockers: none…so…far…some time off next week. “wanting to jam” Thurs, Fri (dc around! pc too)
- #todo:pc add GARRYJAM2020 to calendar
- quick questions: bl, what brand assets to send to starling? e.g., for inclusion in presentation
- gi: existing wordmark
- last: Worked on website
Person: pc
- last: start stuff, tho less than last week. security scanning tools, non-img files, cowork on infra, catch up on other internal tasks.
- forgot to mention: social media role thinks. roobot work.
- next: hoping to be caught up/proactive in coming week, have sense of todos
- blockers: no blockers
- last: start stuff, tho less than last week. security scanning tools, non-img files, cowork on infra, catch up on other internal tasks.
Person: el
- last: co-work with patcon, infra meeting, hardware research for opportunity
- next: scheduling meeting with prospective client
- blockers: [none identified]
Person: bl
- last: finishing up finance documentation, notes merged in. dec’n on “salary” vs. hourly model now, invoicing and payroll, notes website => hopes to going ahead with, cleaning up board and issues, ops&gov meeting 3hrs with dc
- next: aether stuff spinning up again, starting to work on starling project. sync back ournetworks livestream into tomesh repo. bizdev: employee ip agreement and client agreement template
- #todo:all review agreements
- blockers: any concerns with meetings v. organizing as subdomain
- dc: gave rationale in issue for namespace confusion
- bl: meetings. el help with remapping
- bl: pls review employee ip agreement and client contract template (will also review at tmr’s bizdev meeting)
Person: uv
- last: bizdev reading, research for prospective client, waiting for project plan to discuss
- next: prospective client figuring out
- blockers: figuring out meeting schedule with prospective client, quite busy, low capacity ATM
Person: yj
- last: working on opp. quote, review on finance
- next: schedule site walkthru and hoping to quote on the spot
- blockers: don’t have many, been freed to move forward (and Jitsi!!)
Person: dc
- last: prospective client stuff, start stuff, getting up to speed on gov wg stuff (lots triaged!), review on pings, ops wg description
- next: small ops things like wsib, pr to handbook, prospective client meeting, discuss my dissertation research
- blockers: balancing phd and hypha…
WSIB: questions? (dc+bl)
- yj: what does it cover? someone falling off a ladder / some other insurance we need to get
- WSIB paid out on injury regardless of employee paying in. but org can be fined for not paying in.
- employee has access to regardless, risk for employee to not handle
- not that expensive in big scheme of things: $200 to $400 (office vs labour) (based on gross wages)
- dc: never worked somewhere where dealt with claim
- dc: employee not contacting WSIB.
- if injury, employee notifies doctor/employer, and then they must report to WSIB board immediately
- WSIB != liability insurance (separate)
- not replacement for benefits plan
Discuss dc’s proposal to start her research!
Gdrive with Academic Proposal and Ethics
Project Partnership Proposal (Totally a Pitch!) => moved to Google Doc
- Preliminary consensus to go-ahead back in Summer 2019 (phew!)
- Since then: dc has done desk research on history around alternative networks and decentralization. Profiled/identified contemporary dweb projects, about to approach other sites.
- Would want to discuss and revise this together. Seeking to have 1 week review after call, tentatively Mar 18 to decide?
- interested in how people want to design tech with values in mind, so that the values end up in resulting tech
- drawing on
- (1) STS. histories. retellings. complicating of narratives of science+tech.
- (2) value-sensitive design. HCI. compsci. more tech-centric. by ppl who make things and want to make.
- alternatives over reforming systems
- (3rd piece = fave) that existing communities (data justice, etc) are having convos very aligned with dweb, but in diff spaces
- hoping for: participant observation with Hypha (org, not tool)
- talking to 1-2 other projects (unconfirmed)
- what would this look like? could help hypha too, but also own goals
- observation and interviews
- looking at documents (clients likely outta scope)
- duration: until end of year, ideally aug with plan for writing through fall.
- bl: what do you expect as personal benefit? book? documentary?
- dc: DISSERTATION! (That no one besides my committee will read), and outputs along the way
- dc: not currently. monographs not norm in my discipline
- expecting phd, but also pragmatic outputs that academia can’t see (e.g. hypha success)
- pc: personal hopes from this?
- dc: stay in academia. set up for later research project (i.e., post-doc)
- uv: values? in what way are you thinking about values?
- dc: hypha is a great case bc we have implicit and explicit communication of values. how implicit values are realized and emerged. in contrast to other organizations where there has been no intentional process of value alignment. different ways ppl sensitize values in their design.
- uv: what you think some benefits might be for hypha?
- dc: two phd students doing research on edgi as a case, documenting early processes and development. helpful in early development of org mission. seems this can do something similar for hypha
- dc: how we develop an organizational profile on research. gone thru peer-review and have been a peer-reviewer, understand social science research
- dc: strategic target of conferences that require full paper as submission. hypha members could co-present, and meet valuable attendees
- bl: what are your goals for this meeting?
- dc: move proposal to gdocs for review and aim for feedback, accept next wed?
- dc: would like to set aside periodic check-in
- dc: explainer of consent, organizational and personal (e.g. for interviews, how direct quotes are handled)
- pc: will this change how you currently operate in hypha?
- maybe a little stepping back
- will start making “announcement” at beginning of all calls but remain as an active participant
- if would prefer me to bring in other modes of signalling as required (e.g., making clear I’m around/active in chat, announcing for all meetings, etc…, can request
- #todo:dc spawn [private–for now!] issue, make clear to review #todo:all
Gdrive with Academic Proposal and Ethics
Hank working for Hypha
- design internship 3-weeks. unpaid. he approached us.
- looking for work elsewhere too?
- pc: possibility to treat it like first onboarding? see how things look to a newcomer who hasn’t been along for the ride.
- dc: no block, but internal capacity to onboard is concern
- dc: feelings on unpaid internship?
- dc: I’m not comfortable with them. can we pay him?
- dc: how does he get best set up for success in future design field
- dc: do we let him down by dead-ending him with no opportunity after? (are we not the strategic choice)
- uv: what does hank need? e.g., in his portfolio
- bl: video editing work. yj: has website.
- uv: 100% should be paying him. maybe honorarium model.
- yj: maybe finding someone in the FOSS community, instead of finding client
- dc: hypha not mature enough to be host organization for another OS project
- what about GSoC (paid), summer applications opening - https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
- pc: what about accepting his ask and using his skills for some deliverable we might need in future, and writing agreement to pay him %profit of company up to limit
- bl: would rather avoid complexity and just do flat fee we can afford, $500. dc: seems low.
- dc: would prefer not to do speculative deliverables. heavy to manage someone’s time as well.
- uv: no comment until knows needs of hank
- #todo:uv set up convo with hank (pc will join if timing works)