2019 Protocol Labs RFP Proposal Discussion
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Time: 31 Aug 2018
Location: https://appear.in/offline
Attending: benhylau, dcwalk, garry, yurko
Proposal: https://hackmd.io/He1-2jfvQtOVn6Mx-6rwkA?view
Feedback from garry
- Clarify salary is for 6 months for multiple people
- Selling Mesh Box on Tindie (producing manuals, etc.)
- “Adding applications through standardized interfaces” seem ambiguous
- Hardware enclosure, do we have the skillset (start 3D case this cycle, real case next cycle)
- Last sentence was surprise! re: Workers Coop
- Different deliverables for different funding targets? (More explicit than now)
- Meshstream can be a relatively low hanging deliverable why not emphasize it?
- Don’t we need to apply to conferences now?
- What type of travel are we actually doing?
Feedback from dcwalk
- Itemized budget
- Translating entire curriculum is a lot of work
- Lead time
- I would suggest removing a bunch of KRs… 6 months will go fast!
- Maybe identify many of these as potential future KRs
- There are parts that feel nice: not just a product, translation/internationalization, facilitation
- Make Tindie like an “experiment with Tindie”
- Pay attention to ongoing support cost
- Parallel discussions on specifics
- Move to Google Doc now!
- Defer some of the KRs (this is too much)
- Tools to manage the project
Actionable Items
- benhylau to come up with a new name for project that does not include the word “mesh”
- benhylau to edit proposal document based on feedback here and notes on the proposal hackmd
- benhylau to port proposal to Google Doc and Spreadsheet
- dcwalk, garry, yurko to review from Google Doc and Spreadsheet
- benhylau to schedule a series of calls to discuss specifics after proposal is submitted, topics:
- All hands meetings
- Project management tools
- Objective-specific working group meetings