2021-03-11 Hypha Worker Co-op: Operations
from template | Meetings |
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Time: 9:00-11:00pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: dc, pc
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: pc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Co-work | 50 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- dc: miro session
- pc: call wtih FACTIC peeps
- the wizardry of command line skills
- tech soup membership. needs article of incorp with proper NPO objects.
- dc: some tension around things not yet needed and cart before horse
- pc: no cost … preference for advocating a right to some “messiness”.
- tension not resolved, but not urgent to do so. future middle ground…?
- StART admin
- value based billing
- NL wants hours to go away (to not think about tracking them)
- pc: Hypha has willingness for admin to take cut.
- c4c ok with double invoice
- hypha can still invoice hours to NL. Hypha can still track hours.
- dc: 30% admin overhead = normal to low. in Hypha discussions, sense that it should be higher than internal 25% clip.
- 100% match in common for some contracting relationships
- luisa interested to speak with bl re: finance process
- dc also willing, re: admin rates
- value based billing
- Articles of Amendment :((
- wendy rejected for not containing text. but we took example from fed.
- wendy knew this the whole time.
- #todo:dc new resolution new submission. share sigs, no PGP keys. bl+yj sign. +1 pc
- #todo:dc director meeting announce 24h notice next week. only 3 for quorum.
- PROTIP 35 biz days turnaround for co-op.
- Open Collective
- Threads:
- Onboarding
- Templating
- #todo pc: Actual onboarding (not blocked)
- Pitch for OC Canada
- following initiative template
- https://hackmd.io/Kooq3QUcR0CJ2r83OHhemQ?view
- Wrap up “refining” GH issue, https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/374
- Plain language
- minimal viable support docs :)
- Next steps aka get from soft launch to LAUNCH
- dc: suggests 6 mo. fall? sept?
- pc: might realize Hypha initiative folds into OC Canada. dc: maybe Hypha offering becomes “artisanal”.
- dc: bl was eager to support [canadian] dweb projects
- dc: all risk tolerance. maybe favour smaller project with high trust in BC, vs large unknown groups in Toronto. “good neighbors” anywhere.
- pc: was imagining first-come-first-serve, but not good idea.
- “Saying no” (reasons)
- bad vibes
- capacity
- financial (finance group)
- admin (initiative+ops groups)
- Our guidelines
- v1: up to 6 collectives. re-evaluate after 6 months. (6 incl existing) 666
- x months: aligned with? (1) ctto return to physical, (2) OC Canada timelines [emergent]
- have calls/pool to gauge future opportunities
- software licenses / hardware = liability
- **warranty
- v2: up to X collectives–wanting room to bring on more
- thinking about for now
- v1: up to 6 collectives. re-evaluate after 6 months. (6 incl existing) 666
- Advertising strategy?
- ~6
- maybe more stale leads from OC (they are going back thru old requests)
- don’t overcommit (so we don’t encourage ppl to cycle on us)
- Onboarding
- #todo draft initiative? https://hackmd.io/Kooq3QUcR0CJ2r83OHhemQ?view
- v1 of our offering of OC
- adverstising OC
- onboarding
- operations
- understanding relationship of Hypha to OC Canada
- v1 of our offering of OC
- At what stage would extended offerings happen?
- a careful check-in on other needs without conferring that we are ALREADY DOING THEM
- Threads:
Co-work: OC Pitch
- Initiative TEMPLATE https://hackmd.io/3cHZXCNoQOKOCHy0pYu8og
- pc comment: something about risks? (dc: +1 think in internal proposal)
- dc would like to also think about accountability
- CMC example: https://hackmd.io/WxHHMw7LRwmxNhGKaSWR3Q?both
- OC initiative proposal: https://hackmd.io/Kooq3QUcR0CJ2r83OHhemQ?edit
Template questions:
- range of options for status
- meta: questions to ask to determine scale?
Process Checkout
- …(skipped)
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting