2020-03-04 Hypha Worker Co-op: All Hands Meeting
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Time: 5-6pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: pc, bl, uv, el, yj, gi
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: pc Next up: dc, yj, el, uv, gi, bl, pc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Task Board Review | 25 |
— Working Group Updates | |
— Project Updates | |
Announcements | 5 |
Discussions | 20 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
Tell one positive and/or negative mood you are feeling and explain why. It can be in relation to Hypha or not.
- bl:
- accomplished: because we made good progress on financial processes and it seems to work easily with the billing model of both new projects, and our org financial projections are starting to make sense
- worried: because there are many items on the Feedback Required column that concern all members but I haven’t received much feedback
- uv:
- energetic: lots on the go, and mostly on top!
- el:
- excited: new job, new client.
- gi:
- ok: ITS A MOOD. busy. momentum mode.
- yj:
- QUARTERLY MEETING: ITS A MOOD. good: about infra project.
- pc:
- feel great about StART project. Tunnel vision on client work but in a good state watching other coop processes
Task Board Review
- Archive Done tasks
- Review HIGH
- private#20 QM.
private#18 Free.
- had call. more one-off than. ladder maybe needed. convos needed: WSIB, insurance. Do we want to do this sort of thing?
- discussion will continue in Infra WG meeting
- uv: flagging that if seems complex, client might lose interest. +1 pc
- yj: i often am relaxed on meeting these sorts of requirements
- pc bl: wouldn’t block.
- #156 payroll. one final thing to check off.
- #212 domains. no block on expiring.
- #199 OKR steward. no progress.
- #102 AGM. no progress.
#77 brand identity. ongoing.
- uv: color scheme. wordmark. some idea of visual imagery. initial brand identity = done.
- created new task for swap out color, font, image. also export square logo
- Triage new tasks
- missing labels
Working Group Updates
Business Planning
- Talked about opportunities: SXSW/starling. Dweb.
- Resolved issues to do with intro deck
- Writing guides, knowledge xfer from patcon, relating progress to OKRs.
- dc not here. Talked about meeting cadence. More aggressive scheduling
Infra & Ops
- Opportunity with Free
- Drawing from OKR’s
- Find new biz dev opportunities with prospective clients
- Emails up and running
Project Updates
- pc:
- We had our combined review/retro/planning, went well though dc was unavailable
- First demo with features to show!
- Seems c4c felt good even though things aren’t perfect
- New “definition of done” criteria to ensure all new features have usage tracking
- pc:
- Quartermaster
- uv:
- thurs/fri next week signing. had one paid session, but no contract yet.
- pushing invoice cycle out a month. team ok not being paid right away.
- had first session. dc and uv came prepped with 20 project write-ups.
- used as way to talk about different directions he could take. client really liked this.
- project = currently very open-ended and ambiguous.
- offering will likely be lots of workshopping.
- next up: product walkthrough. show data. share issues.
- uv:
- Aether
- bl:
- now getting user feedback. better idea of market positioning. dev can now be guided by immediate user needs. use of jira board with task priorities bl can pick up.
- bl:
Next week, March 11, 30 minutes to discuss dc’s proposal to start her research!
Gdrive with Academic Proposal and Ethics
Project Partnership Proposal (Totally a Pitch!)
- Preliminary consensus to go-ahead back in Summer 2019 (phew!)
- Since then: dc has done desk research on history around alternative networks and decentralization. Profiled/identified contemporary dweb projects, about to approach other sites.
- Would want to discuss and revise this together. Seeking to have 1 week review after call, tentatively Mar 18 to decide?
Gdrive with Academic Proposal and Ethics
bl: Use March 11 meeting discussion time for dc to discuss start of research? (+1 from all)
Approvals needed today (10 min)
- Biz: Intro deck
- Choose whichever version of graphics you want to send based on existing options, don’t have to agree on a specific one
- Biz: Starling
- pc: excited. trust guardian project. bl: heard good things about witness project. Starling project wants to tell a use story for dweb tech. all: no blocks.
- Fin: Public holiday policy
- Rough wording:
The Co-operative recommends Members to not work on a public holiday, but in the case where Members voluntarily chooses to or under special circumstances, they will receive regular wages and “substitute time off”, and there should be no expectation of “public holiday plus premium pay”.
Since Members have variable hours of work per period, and a 5% annualized public holiday pay is already included in Member wages, Members are already entitled to take substitute time off as needed, and will be paid regular wage for that work, as compliant with the Employment Standards Act of Ontario.
- Rough wording:
- Biz: Intro deck
vote on all: CONSENSUS by all to accept above decisions.
Social media role: selection (5 min)
- pc walks through social media role
- pc: permission to diverge from existing format for role definitions?
- uv: what does role mean? Always existing?
- pc: a defined person doing this
- uv: like Cultivator?
- pc: yes
- uv: if no one volunteers to do it, what happens?
- uv: perhaps we should just vote to let this be in bizdev domain?
- all: +1
Decision making and client notes privacy (5 min)
- Is a decision like having a project codename an org-level or project-level decision?
- Would a codename protect identity of a client enough for careful discussion in non-private notes?
- uv: are the codenames just for obfuscation? is there another reason?
- pc: didn’t get into that part…
- bl: this isn’t a convo wrt how project team wants to communicate, it’s how we collectively decided to relate to our clients
- yj: hard line to balance… public vs. private vs. not-public
- uv: very strongly pre-sales cycle needs to be secret, bc we don’t have permission from orgs involved…
- uv: once things become a project, we can discuss with client, but we need permission from client
- uv: “codename use within project” vs. “codename as privacy” are two different conversations
- uv: codename is a project-level decision, but making a client’s internal info public is an org-level decision (ben: +1)
DECISION: from now on, all business development convos (e.g. future clients) should happen in the private room of
. All are welcome to use the space, not just WG members.- bl adjusted the room topic to reflect
Walk-throughs and decide next steps (15 min, stretch) skipped
- Fin: Payroll process
- Ops: Website and process for meeting notes + org repo
- Ops: IP assignment agreement
- Ops: Client agreement
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes to GitHub
- Publish meeting template for next meeting