2019-11-26 Hypha Worker Co-op: Finance WG Meeting
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Time: Tue, Nov 26, 2019 @ 10:00am
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: yj, bl, pc
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: bl
- credit card
- go through QB books
- explain accounts yj has set up in QB
- invoicing in USD (skipped)
- set up TransferWise (skipped)
indicates questions for our accountant
- credit card, personal?
- dc +1 to this from chat
- you can call to add the personal card to the corp account and have it visible
- move funds to pay personal Desjardins credit card
- let yj and dc sort out if one/both will get the card
- category you put each expense -> connects to a Chart of Accounts
- #acc remove extra categories from Chart of Accounts?
- yj: we need to add specific ones according to our business activities
- yj: usually we just leave them
- yj: what to do with expenses before incorporation (i.e. our incorp cost) #acc
- yj: accountant friend says, on day of incorporation, log that liability
- yj: log as long-term liability for now
- pc: thought it would be paid back in 12 months
- logging as long-term liability for now (can change when needed)
- logged against employee or vendor? now against employee
- incorp cost creates an asset so it needs to be amortized over a long time
- what category for domain name?
- yj: now in Computer ant Internet Expense
- bl: think should be same category as hosting, digital ocean, etc.
- pc: how are account types and account descriptions (subtypes) different
- yj: show up as headers and subheaders on financial statements (shows example)
- yj: interest earned prior to incorp date
- bl: so small that we can just lump it into Aug 1st long-term liability
- pc: Computer and Internet Expense / Other Misc Expense, can we stay away from misc expenses #acc
- pc: #todo review DMG financial summary
- bl: prefer not to since we have an accountant
- yj: are they a tech co-op? I have a resource to ask specific questions
- pc: they are a non-profit but not tech co-op
- yj: could give us ideas of questions we can raise to our accountant / bookkeeper
- bl: mindful of capacity and don’t want to personally do research using collective capacity
- yj: we need to get the books to look okay and give to accountant
- yj: figure out how to set up payroll
- bl: +1
- #todo yj: sort credit card with dc
- #todo yj: upload receipts to QB
- #todo bl: set up TransferWise and make PR to payment doc
- #todo bl: US invoice in QB and send to Aether
- #todo pc: research payroll before next WG meeting
- #todo pc: need TD1 and TD1-ON from everyone
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes to GitHub
- Publish meeting template for next meeting