2021-02-24 Hypha <> Open Collective
When? Wed Feb 24 @ 1-1:30 pm ET
Who’s here? pia, patcon
- Pia is dialing back existing obligations (OC Foundation & Opensource Collective) and looking for new opportunities: potentially host orgs in UK and Canada
- OC USA offering admin/finance support through their infrastructure, and cover startup costs.
- proposal: Hypha collab with OC USA as revenue-sharing co-owner (PT contract to start) of new Canada-wide entity, OC Canada
- potentially involves: feasability research, advising board selection, creating bank accounts, incorporation, legal research, point of contact for collectives
- Open questions:
- is Hypha interested?
- do others wish to meet Pia?
- pc: will startup costs be loan or something else?
- updates from each side
- Hypha
- explaining hypha origins and realms of action we’re interested in. community origins. support of community projects. not just co-op.
- Open Collective
- many inquiries about hosting Canadian projects
- #todo:kayla+patcon tracking candidate collectives https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BECjLL11BzxQJ9jGMS0QDdGIFoos628DXDLnnrPlf5U/edit#gid=0
- no CAD contacts yet for hosting, except Hypha
- generally prefer to partner. lately thinking on starting own and building
- OC don’t want to grow too quick
- pia stepping aside of Open Source Collective. High OCF involvement, but stepping away a bit on that too (not as much as OSC). looking for next moves.
- UK: starting Open Collective Labs. serve UK fiscal host market! white-labeling OC for existing host orgs. have grant to do that work
- peers like alanna spun up two hosts in NZ
- pia: Canada seems like good first step for focus. want to make sure there’s enough interest.
- feels like not a huge investment to build structure
- e.g. Open Collective Canada, potentially Hypha as member/cofounder. initial funding to pay for accounting/legal and org setup. support team from OC USA. can offer similar supports as to other hosts OC manages. finances and expenses.
- Hypha would open bank account. manage board. part owner. OC USA would deal with admin manage of host itself.
- not fulltime to start
- pc: to clarify, Hypha members would have no hard feelings if OC Canada started without us. pia: +1 to collab. would prefer to work together.
- pia: contract could be with patcon or hypha. pc: prefer hypha if all the same to OC.
- “OC Canada would need a partner to grow, not just ON but all Canada.” “Part-owner”
- OC take on admin/finance
- Hypha = local banking and legal/corp research/setup. “share costs of these”
- pc: hypha is low cost for accounting and legal rn. Lower capacity to fund legal and complex accounting. pia: that’s workable
- pia: OC was all pro bono at first too, but now legal on retainer
- rough proposal: OC contract hypha to set up structure
- feasability study of sorts. non-profit fiscal host. non-profit vs charity.
- research/prepare non-profit Canada-wide. shared platform model.
- setting up bank account
- pc: advising on board formation from our network. pia: sure. (3 ppl to start?)
- pia: timeline = eager to start whenever, but 2mo from now is ok. for time being, won’t be movement without us.
- many inquiries about hosting Canadian projects
- options
- call with other hypha members and Pia
- patcon relays proposal
- questions
- is hypha interested?
- est how much money to set up?
- scope recap:
- helping to structure
- taking some ownership of responsibilities
- shared revenue