2019-07-10 Toronto Workers Co-op: All-Hands Meeting
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Time: Wed, July 10, 2019 @ 5-6pm ET
Location: https://meet.jit.si/hyphacoop
Attending: patcon, dc, elon, yurko
Notetaker: patcon
Next: udit, dc, benedict, elon, yurko, garry, patcon
Bump to end on taking turn :)
- Previous Action Items
- Runthrough Announcements and Updates (add below)
- Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
- Discussion
- Using Jitsi Meet’s embedded etherpad (patcon)
- Select a Task Tracker (Wait for Garry)
- Articles of Incorporation will not be processed until July 26, 2019 earliest
- Folks still travelling: Ben, Udit, Dawn
- #announce #2019-07-10 @patcon created gitlab team
- #announce #2019-07-10 @patcon created opencollective org
- #announce #2019-07-10 @patcon created riot community for channels/users
- patcon mentioned pending OCRCC crisis helpdesk platform lead
- had convo with Kim Allen, repping OCRCC
- will share notes after she reviews
- Quicklinks landing page for public project assets
- upcoming platformcoop convo with director of Inclusive Design Research Centre (IRDC). others welcome. hypha likely will be discussed.
- interest from: dc
Previous Action Items
- Review past #todos and recover potentials lost items
Consensus by team members and cooperative about how to split $
- All: Research ahead of next meeting
- All: Discuss this item at next all-hands
- Ben wants to on our next call try equal speaking time
- All: reflect on how we can interact in ways that make things move forward (e.g. forcing each other to express how they feel as to make others feel more permissioned to push things forward more assertively)
- patcon: create thread for discussion of lead generation
- patcon: Schedule next infra call
Quick Working Group Updates (10 mins)
Business Planning
- no updates
- still looking for acct
- waiting on articles
Infra & Ops
- meeting, setting up new standing (biweekly) time
Business Planning
Review Previous Todos: patcon’s personal and unofficial dynalist
- pc: disclaimer: personal hypha todos are mixed in
- pc:
are for actions.#YYYY-MM-DD
are for specific meetings.#upcoming
are for nearterm surfacing. ones without dates are usually skimmed from chat or pc’s noticings
y: bringing up feelings and sharing space more equally
- idea is that silence is hard to read. more speaking.
y: discussion about lead generation (patcon)
- #todo for migrating
- pc: feel we’re in holding pattern on PM org definition. pc thought it was about creating role
- pc: #todo bring LinkedIn convo into brand loomio thread
- y: investigate which exiting coop places we should be in. mailing lists etc. #todo
Vote on membership into Canadian Worker Co-op Federation vote
- took time to read. will vote in loomio proposal
- 5/5 in favour. consensed on paying for membership in CWCF
- y: thoughts on org-pm, gi?
- gi: still outstanding. #todo come back with proposal
- parallelized task tracker convo. want to make sure not conflict.
- pc: 2 decisions in loomio:
- pc: gi, should project PM be able to make decisions for team, incl using a separate task tracker?
- gi: more that PM should be able to integrate team’s feedback and bring that forward.
- cross bridge when come to it.
- gi: not being able to attach due dates. these are big at past work-arounds:
- pings with ppl might be ok
- discrete chunks, e.g. sprints or epics might resolve this
- dc: need to just say the need that this tool is meeting.
- with EDGI, experimented with saying why we’re using the tool. e.g., client-facing and internal.
- #todo for our https://link.hypha.coop/inventory
- gi: maybe good for discussion
- dc: someone just needs to write it out. moreso review than discussion. could go in handbook.
- not a blocker on tool decision
- #todo add “why” to each tool in inventory.
- #todo do this for just the task tracker first (dc)
#decide to try github projects
- all: consensed by video poll
- y: #todo populate task board with past tasks
- dc: pc did dynalist work already
- dc: cowork to populate tasks?
- pc: #todo schedule thurs/fri cowork with dc. cowork if possible. async if not.
- pc: should we have a checkin on decision to commit?
- gi: worries about timing, grooming sesh?
- dc: 1 mo prob too soon for decision. good timeframe to surface learnings.
- dc: suggestion: timeboxed grooming session?
- 1 month from now
- #todo dc: coord grooming session?
- with EDGI, experimented with saying why we’re using the tool. e.g., client-facing and internal.
- gi: still outstanding. #todo come back with proposal
Follow Up
Actionable Items
- Schedule next infra call
- Org Project Manager role definition (patcon, garry)
- archive this week’s notes