Toronto Workers Co-op Meeting 9 Jan 2019
Time: 9 Jan 2019 6:00 PM ET
Attending: ben, udit, yurko, elon, garry, patcon, dc
- Go thru items-to-resolve-in-2018
- Status update from each working group
- Meeting schedules for 2019
- IPFS grant status
- Immediate items that need to happen
- Name: Dripline?
- ben, elon, yurko think it’s alright
- udit likes it
- patcon it’s alright, but…
- M/V: people haven’t added wordsmithing aside from Ben
- Goal: Vote on name, mission, vision wordsmithing by end next week (January 18)
- Loomio issues resolved, one is just a UI/design issue
- Financial WG:
- Post CU questions on:
- Collect items and visit two CUs
- Governance WG:
- dc: need to be more ppl involved in this convo, before the end. mostly just me right now, and this might be dicey.
- Business Planning:
- Meeting to discuss
- Non-profit discussion
- Infrastructure / Operations:
- People to send feedback on what plain language docs are most important
sign up for canvas
- didn’t think nonprofit was first step. expands complexity.
- ben: ryan@freegeek says whole class of grants that require
- Non-profit vs. regular worker coop
- There are differences:
- Can pay salaries, spend operating costs,
- How surplus is handled, and where decisions about that are encoded (there are operational differences)
- How equity can be raised
- Reporting requirements (dc: tho assume we are under some of the audit thresholds)
- dc: not finding any clear examples of Ontario-based examples of non-profit worker cooperatives, should reach our -IPFS grant wait until Jan 20 to ping PL
- There are differences:
Actionable Items
- udit: Move results of our Retreat to GitHub
all: Contribute to Org Name and M/V, have finalized Name and M/V by Jan 18
- all: add further proposals by weekend
- dc: Mon Jan 14 – set up polls on Name and M/V
patcon: Reach out to OCA about non-profit coop
- dc: can you loop me in if by email?
all: 5-6 pm for next meeting and one more in Jan, monthly “all hands” after
- set up in calendar
- udit, patcon, ben: Discuss business planning tomorrow in person
- ??: Jan 20 ping PL if haven’t heard anything