2021-04-20 Hypha Worker Co-op: Infrastructure
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Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: gi, el, yj
Cultivator: gi
Item | Time (min) |
Bugs Triage | 15 |
Quarterly Planning | 45 |
Bugs/Incident Triage
Incident: pfsense degraded performance
- march 29: links.hypha.coop and VPN was not working (reported by pc)
- proxmox showed build up disk writes and high CPU usage
- yj: “fixed” by restarting pfsense firewall
- next steps:
- infra-wg keep an eye on it: monitor CPU/Disk usage in proxmox/hypervisor
- members continue reporting degraded service
Bug: Shared calendar doesn’t allow non-owner members with write permissions to send calendar invites #419
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/419
- next steps:
- gi close issue and repost the shared calendar workflow
Bug: Accepted calendar invites not showing up in calendar #393
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/393
- next steps:
- infra-wg continue investigations
- looking for reproducible steps and client info from members
Bug: Our emails to Gmail going to spam #422
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/418 (merged into #422)
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/422
- issue 1: Google screwing up and marking email as spam
- next steps:
- infra-wg has added
entry to DNS - ask pc for a time to trial without spam filters
- infra-wg has added
- next steps:
- issue 2: Hypha Listserv is spamming
- next steps:
- fixed with webform token
- yj refactoring COMPOST DNS API service
- next steps:
- gi to close issues and follow-up with pc
hypha.coop domain renewal
- renewing with auto-renew on registrar
- charged with Hypha credit card moving forward
Quarterly Planning Preparation
1. Working Group Asks
- Loomio request for Quarterly, Semi-annual, and AGM:
- Key dates: Quarterly planning (April 21), Semi-annual retreat and AGM (August 7)
- el to follow up on timing
- infa-wg is thinking 1 week pre and post events
- Updated Service Inventory (https://hackmd.io/@patcon/HyH0W9bAE):
- what are current the tools we are using?
- how active are tools?
- No metrics on the self-hosted tools. Only metrics we have at with the BBB instance
- A possible future goal/initiative: Build some kind monitoring process to track usage
- get minimal metrics from our link forwarder?
- Provide recommendation on course of action for tools no longer using
- FreePhoneLine.ca: subsumed by voip.me
- CircleCI: Deprecate (last green job was 11 months ago). Prefer Travis.com or GitHub Actions
- NextCloud: Deprecated
- SecurityMetrics: Exclude project specific tools from list
- Jitsi: Looking to deprecate
- Update all references to the service with alternative recommendations
- Redirect subdomain to hypha.coop or to the alternative (??)
- Teardown VM
- Heroku: Looking to deprecate
- Chatbot still being used?
- Experimental tools we don’t have context on:
- RoamResearch (Hasn’t been updated since Feb 21)
- Buffer
- HubSpot
- Provide status update on migration (are all services migrated into hypha? which core business activities aren’t on hypha infra? (e.g., email, calendar)
- Passbolt not hosted on hyhpha infra, no progress at the moment. blocked on ansible
- bbb.hypha.coop, migrate to canadian meet.coop server
- jitsi.hypha.coop, we gonna phase out
- OVH servers might be reaching limits
- indicator is scaling down loomio
- staging is down right now
- we’ve maxed resources with OVH dedicated server
- ASOT is hosting mailcow, question: do we consider this as hypha self-hosted?
- Define what self-hosting means for us?
- Analyze tools we can use for voting at AGM and async on proposals (loomio is available, github discussions? gitlab (not proposing tools?)
- Use (on-demand) Loomio instance for now
- We’d need to spin up a research effort with other WGs to investigate other tools/solutions if there’s a need 2. Each WG brainstorm proposed initiatives, with first sentence description, to replace existing activities, add to meeting package
- https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lVt9EFQ=/?moveToWidget=3074457357183308548&cot=14
- Overall capacity issue
- How much capacity to do initiatives
- Adding more work to our offerings
- yj: been swamped, and just happened, not sure when things will settle down
- Mix of client work and other committments (work became stupid busy)
- Addition work through Hypha (it rains it pours)
- Started scaling back on tomesh
- el:
- able make capacity
- what does exciting look?
- initiative: “find a project that elon gets excited about”
- Streamlining processes we have now, the free work we are doing should take up less time
- Automation, not sure what it looks like
- top-of-head: hours feeding into payroll automatically,
- pull report, spreadsheets, put in report, there are APIs that could do that
- might be a pain point
- streamline finance interacting with members
- Could be a lot of manual processes in these entries
- Will this actually help? Will this free up capacity?
- top-of-head: Virtual reality work space
- Might be outside our budget: vr gear expense, might DIY 3. Each WG add budget requests for next ~3 months to meeting package
- Budget requests ideas:
- Scale up infra to support more workloads:
- Investigate how much an upgrade will cost for OVH upgrade
- RAM is the issue, all used up
- Backup space is used as well (backup server needs more storage)
- CPU okay
- Current OVH spend is $89.70 CAD (after tax), monthly
- Next level up (our request for increasing OVH): $101.04 CAD (before tax)
- Rise-1 level to Rise-3 (not offered in Canadian Data Centre)
- Scaling up back-up:
- we could shrink retention to keep on “free” tier
- equivalent to 5 days
- 1tb=$16 (CAD), 5tb=$55 (CAD), 10tb=$80 (CAD)
- Next level up (our request to increase back-up storage to 1tb): $16 CAD (before tax)
- Expect 1 month of overlap of services
- We need to ask OVH about setup fees and contract
- We might time the transition with the June 19, 2021 contract
- Total request: $101.04 (Rise-3) + $16 (1tb backup) = $117.04 CAD (before tax)
- 161.32 (Rise-4) + $16 (1tb backup) = $117.04 CAD (before tax) Offered in BHS DC
- Scale up infra to support more workloads:
- pending budget sheet