2019-12-04 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Dec 04, 2019 @ 5-5:30pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: dc, el, bl, yj, uv, pc, gi
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: gi Next up: dc, el, bl, yj, uv, pc, gi
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Standup Notes
Person: uv
- last:
- Working on 2 issues
- hypha intro deck
- In the drive for following along
- Review it Biz Dev group
- Chat with Biz folks on it
- time tracking (clockify)
- All: Confirm hours back to Sept
- hypha intro deck
- Working on 2 issues
- next:
- Chat with Biz Dev on intro deck
- blockers:
- No blocks
- last:
Person: yj
- last:
- Finance stuff
- How to do think in quickbooks
- invoicing
- accountant advice
- Script to take agreed upon discussions and consolidate to one feed
- next:
- Tools
- Finance
- Get credit card
- blockers:
- Time
- last:
Person: pc
- last:
- Personal check-in
- Stressed
- Device failing
- Payroll
- Personal check-in
- next:
- Finance stuff
- Find clients track
- blockers:
- Find time to chat
- last:
Person: dc
- last:
- Hand over cultivating
- didn’t propose changes to templates
- Poll for time off in December (All: please enter Dec Avaliability)
- Called Dejardins
- Confirmed info from May
- Credit card product
- TBC Credit option
- next:
- Send poll for December available
- Dejardins:
- Pass off to yj to get credit cards
- blockers:
- No blockers
- last:
Person: bl
- last:
- Finance group meeting
- Get paid in USD
- Look at tranferwise
- Transferwise setup
- Documented tricky things
- Docs to approval
- Finance group meeting
- next:
- Invoice client work
- Get Payroll working
- Not sure about why we’re looking at platforms again (Quickbooks)
- blockers:
- No blockers
- Priotizing slow concensus
- Sync time with all
- last:
Person: el
- last:
- Look at GitHub
- next:
- Look at Infra for things to do
- Infra Emails
- Suggested: Infra picking up Chatbot PRs and issues
- blockers:
- No blockers
- last:
Person: gi
- last:
- Catch up
- next:
- Catch up on branding and sync up with intro deck work
- Schedule a workshop session for Jan/Feb
- Going to send out a poll on timing for workshop
- Both a recap and planning session
- blockers:
- Scheduling
- last:
- Prioritize payroll
- uv: physically getting money to ppl vs. recording transactions
- dc: written authorization
- bl: is there a need to look at written auth?
- Not sure about blockers
- yj: just do it
- pc: QB streams standard and advanced
- Advanced is more expensive if done more than once a month
- Maybe not rush on choosing?
- dc: not addressed; percentage cut
- What’s the take for the organization? Let’s decide on this call
- bl: 20-30% was discussed
- No vacation
- Clip:
- pc: 15-30%
- Move forward on 20% clip?
- dc: Estimate for employeers 15-18%
- Operating costs
- Set below 18%?
- Have a rationale for percentage
- 15% is min (cover everything)
- 18% with a little bit of padding
- Health adds on top
- pc: 25% clip
- bl: good with it
- yj: good
- All concensed
- Parallel branding efforts
- ben: gi, uv, pc sync up pls
- Schedule biz dev WG meeting
- Reschedule for next week