2019-10-15 Co-op Development / Collab hangout
Date: Tues, Oct 15 @ 15:30-16:00 GMT-3 (2:30-3pm ET)
Participation: https://appear.in/hyphacoop
Who’s here? neto (Camba), patcon
- currently: neto tracking and getting paid for convos with other co-ops
- bc part of our strategy
- commercial/business strategy and poltical strategy
- ex: nico of Fiqus.coop in kigali, rwanda
- trip was an effort of whole FACTTIC federation. funded by all.
- two strategies to trip
- coop-a-thon
- want to participate in space
- another angle that’s more related to business
- provide services to co-ops
- re: gretchen of ICA. doing many things. she was a bottleneck, and couldn’t organize the coopathon.
- coop-a-thon in Kigali was cancelled
- Now another organizer is in stewarding Co-op IT network of ICA.
- said to Nico: “i want you to be here with me building this network”. full partners.
- planning to organize another coopathon, and have it be more of a success
- not just asking ICA permission, but working together
- what do we hope to discuss here?
- re: platform co-op on ICA
- startup process of cooperatives
- start.coop
- pay back by investing in another co-op 10 years to give money back
- it’s a co-op not an org.
- USA-based
- kinda focussed on platform co-ops.
- re: members joining as investment
- unfound.coop
- patcon: explained co-op devel model in Ontario
- neto: FACTTIC. co-op devel model is different. not scalable to have central structure. we aspire for a more dynamic model.
- empower new co-ops
- if co-ops can exist with help, they will help others
- patcon: suggestion to share some portion of CRM between orgs
- neto: funny, FACTTIC just started doing this, but we are very high trust. takes a lot of share prized business relations
- perhaps best to do a small trust-building project first
- neto: most powerful thing to start, is having work to do!
- #todo find a project collaboratively as a share effort
- #todo invite neto to be available to patcon during hypha bizdev meeting hours