2020-09-23 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: bl, uv, gi, el, yj, pc, dc
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: gi
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: pc
- last:
- working on start (feeling behind)
- not enough output, documentation phase
- booked interviews for IRP
- project idea for later
- 1-click, onyourlevel
- met with aljugmaine of LANE Digital (personal)
- eager to schedule something with Hypha
- overlap with intersetto
- first week of october
- working on start (feeling behind)
- next:
- more output for STart
- blockers:
- getting better at output (habits and things)
- last:
- Person: gi
- last: slow week out of ournetworks
- next: no next steps. able to offer feedback/support.
- next couple weeks slow. mid- to late-oct checkin
- bl: #todo consider future commitment, wg, etc.
- blockers: no blocks
- Person: uv
- last:
- most time in coordinating
- next:
- call with qm
- emailing/call leads (bizdev)
- blockers:
- busy through October
- last:
- Person: el
- last:
- attending meet.coop meetings
- next:
- meet.coop infrastructure
- blockers:
- no blockers
- last:
- Person: yj
- last:
- finance stuff this week
- called dejardins (cheques, credit cards)
- cheques: found pricing (see issue)
- CC: need to sign doc to allow person/multiple people
- we have up to 30 days to submit, before they cancel
- takes one week to process
- needs resolution or sigs of all directors
- multisig on online banking: just need to pass resolution and fwd to them.
- applied for credit card
- busy with tomesh stuff
- next:
- swampped with work stuff (week project)
- blockers:
- work stuff
- last:
- Person: bl
- last:
- doing aether, distributed press, meet.coop
- finance: need to figure out grants (2)
- sorted the sync, cleaned up chart of accounts
- next:
- wrap up year-end stuff
- hopefully wrap up meet.coop stuff (not be so central in Q4)
- blockers:
- none
- last:
- Person: dc
- last:
- orga work
- follow up on insurance (updated quote)
- client work for start, qm
- next:
- qm meeting
- start scheduling challenging
- budget and timeline
- blockers:
- scheduling
- last:
- Project updates
- StART. …
- Meet.coop
- framework in place
- yurko: PM on hypha side (reviews, agenda setting)
- ben: remove self in Q4
- future: sweat equity until end of 2021
- distribute money received at end of each Q throughout 2020/21
- do el+yj have time? yj: yes. timezones tough. el: same.
- Quartermaster? skipped.
- Online payments
- HelloSign
- Need next cultivator
- pc
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting