2020-07-16 Hypha Worker Co-op: Governance & Operations
from template | Meetings |
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Time: 12:00-12:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: bl, dc
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: dc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Co-work | 50 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- skipped
- Onboarding new collaborator: Mai
Task Board Review
- skipped
OKRs & Strategic Plan for Operations
- Goal 3: Hypha should build on our financial budgeting and tracking strategies (Fin, Ops)
- bl: time-tracking important, categorize
- bl: may feed into contibution accounting
- “internal” labour associated with projects (ops+finance, e.g., hiring, invoicing, payroll, bizdev)
- e.g., “set up time” per-project
- how is infra implicated on this?
- vs. organizational labour associated with Hypha operations
- key actions:
- Develop internal guideline to get a sense of how much cost for each project
- Update clockify policy for members to develop better tracking/understanding of internal hours
- want costs of labour:
- how much to: set up lead, set up project, ongoing project costs, keep the organization going
- KR(ish): Update and document tags and tasks in clockify and update guide for members
- KR:
- need more!
- Goal 5: Hypha should identify and support members setting learning goals and interests (Ops)
- KR: draft of good member doc for review (e.g. take up notes from AGM… these are more “internal facing and collaboration” skills as opposed to technical/area/discipline competencies)
- KR: develop a map of skill gaps across organization (organizational core competencies) in Loomio
- (from action around identify skill gaps)
- “these are the skills I have and these are the skills I want to have”
- “what skills do you think I am missing?”
- KR: Updated peer feedback process for Q3 check-in
- KR: Held X calls around competency gaps with folks in industry
- Goal 7: Hypha should develop our workflow and processes to support a culture of accountability with defined collaboration and decision-making techniques and tools (Inf, Ops)
- KR: “agreement” on needs for decision-making pain points
- KR: document decision-making boundaries for each WG in handbook
- When can you act individually and report back (to WG or all hands)
- “in this situation who are you accountable to first?” org, wg, individual?
- When can WGs take lead on financial dec’ns without all member consensus
- How do we shorten the proposal-to-dec’n loop
- When can you act individually and report back (to WG or all hands)
- Goal 8: Hypha should takes steps to ensure our values are reflected in key strategic and financial decisions: procurement, establishing partnerships, and hiring (Fin, Ops)
- KR: document hiring policy
- KR: develop neighbour language around solidarity pricing program
- KR: hold a post-mortem on server procurement process to inform future procurements
- KR: draft a template for procurement in Guides based on existing one
- some decisions need much shorter proposals to reach dec’ns… e.g. cost/expense, procurement….
- Objective missing for operations / gov
- Cleanup for stuff from Q1/Q2 spillover
Process Checkout
- …
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting