2021-02-25 Hypha Worker Co-op: Operations & Governance
from template | Meetings |
Calendar |
Tasks |
Code |
Time: 13:00-14:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: dc, pc
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: pc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Co-work | 50 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
- report-back on OC convo (pc)
- https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing-private/issues/115
- small pitch okay to go
- #todo patcon:
- github issues for dilini, gabe opps
- update e4w with “hypha OC pipeline checklist”
- maybe “statuses”
- hour budget for hypha. existing SOW. short, speculative roadmap. email SOW summary. first few months for building plan.
Co-work on Call my Chysalis for Governance
- closed some issues
- reviewed OKRs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hMFS3IhzZOFQA-yjt7lFcoVO0Ry6erFEH7D1NswvDtA/edit#gid=1268227002
- roles
- AGM planner
- link/rep roles? governance roles in intiatives, e.g. OC. = #todo/#done dc: move to CMC miro board
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting