IPFS livestreaming. watchers are seeders. cheap way to livestream widely. lots of work with ipfs and partners who have interest in this.
ended up using minimal features that would allow HQ livestream to work.
10 people streamed. low number but well-received, and lots of attention from ipfs team.
prepping for meshstream demo. discovery component. stream video over ipfs, not internet. came from idea of mattz nicopace and benhylau. built for dweb during hope. yurko and ben.
dweb summit
feedback: event livestreaming is a pain for small events, so there seems to be a niche
science fair demo of meshstream.
workshop went better than expected! better than library. more technical ppl.
sustainable open source funding panel
panelists: nicopace@librerouter, dominic@ssbc, …
benhylau feels most aligned to ssb ppl. very community oriented. “when money comes, how do we use it to strenghten community relationships. NOT about features.”