:palm_tree: Cryptography.dog Retreat Notepad Day 2 :palm_tree:

đź““ Retreat Playbook: https://hackmd.io/s/ry8hC552Q đź—’ Day 1 pad: https://hackmd.io/s/H1qMWxpCX đź—’ Day 2 pad: https://hackmd.io/s/SJDGiYKy4


Day 2 - Roadmapping

Recap, consensing on vision and mission

Consensed on adding this in LOOMIO:

For our members and neighbours who are looking for meaningful livelihoods while building and learning about technologies together. Our cooperative is a resilient respite–a radical garden and safe harbour–where we support each other, work in solidarity, and cultivate collective growth unlike people serving capital. Our organization provides autonomy, democratic control, and a space to imagine radical and alternative futures.

  • LOOMIO “technologies” scope
  • our co-operative is a radical garden that cultivates commons-based economies
  • unlike this technocapitalist future we are sold our organization prioritizes people over capital


✍️ Decide on mission (with further wordsmithing on Loomio)

  1. Our cooperative is the Garden of Meaningful Livelihoods upon which its members and neighbours learn and build technologies together. (4+2+4+3+3+3)

  2. [Co-op name] cultivates collective growth for those seeking meaningful livelihoods building and learning about technologies together. (2+3+3+1+1+2)

  3. [Co-op name] cultivates collective growth and meaningful livelihoods around building and learning about technologies together. (1+1+1+2+2+1)

  4. We build and learn technologies together, supporting each other with meaningful livelihoods. We cultivate collective growth for our members, our neighbours, and for the benefit of our environment. (3+4+2+4+4+4)

Picked 3: [Co-op name] cultivates collective growth and meaningful livelihoods around building and learning about technologies together - Concerns around the word “around,” needs to be wordsmithed


✍️ Decide on vision (with further wordsmithing on Loomio)

A. Through cultivating collective growth with our networks of solidarity, we envision a future built upon principles of democracy and autonomy that radically differs from our technocapitalist societies. (3+2+1+2+5) 13..

B. Through working with our neighbours in solidarity, we provide a respite and safe harbour to support each other democratically and create an autonomous space to imagine radical alternative futures (1+1+4+1+3+1) 11

C. Working democratically, we provide respite from the world put to the service of capital, in order to cultivate collective growth and space to imagine radical alternative futures. (5+3+2+2+4) 16..

D. In a world where capital takes precedence over people, we work in solidarity to imagine radical and alternative futures where autonomy, democratic control, and kindness flourish. (4+5+5+5+4) 23..

E. In a world in service of capital, we provide a respite by imagining radical and alternative futures where autonomy, democratic control, and kindness flourish. (2+1+4+3+3) 13..

Picked B: Through working with our neighbours in solidarity, we provide a respite and safe harbour to support each other democratically and create an autonomous space to imagine radical alternative futures - Respite and Safe-harbour don’t both need to be there. - Removing “through” at beginning, start with “We” or “The Coop” - We may need to add back “members and neighbours” depending on how Mission goes - Do we need to be explicit about what we are against? (e.g. see A. or E.)


Capacity and Milestones


Financial Sustainability

Prioritizing and Working Groups

What needs to happen based on above?

What is most important? When?
Working Groups

Governance and Future Plans

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