2020-04-08 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup and OKR presentations
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Time: 5-6:00pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: dc, yj, el, bl, uv, gi
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: yj yj, el, bl, dc, pc, uv, gi
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: uv
- last: qm, covid19, civic tech, mozilla grant
- next: more qm, covid19, civic tech
- blockers: none - need more time, busy few weeks - take some time ahead
- Person: bl
- last: mozilla grant, infra + internal stuff, sales related things bus dev
- next: looking at revenue/financial goals
- ops stuff that become more time sensative+important due to covid
- hear back on grant for mozilla
- blockers: seperating infra and grant stuff, more unblocked (website + branding helped), but feels overcommitted on various projects, step back a bit
- Person: gi
- last: website relaunched, a lot of stuff on that (h/t elon webserver), travis ci migration
- next: feedback re contact info on site, long term thinking about project and maybe a blog the “substack” ?
- blockers: time, being vmware employee?
- Person: yj
- last: calming down at other work, working on finance and infra tasks, getting caught up, helping with moz grant
- next: dig into ansible, both prep for (maybe) moz grant, prep for internal stuff, tie of finance stuff
- blockers: time and energy, passive stress in air that drains energy and willpower
- Person: el
- last: launch the website w/ gi, grant document, ansible
- next: more infra and ansible stuff
- blockers: none \o/
- Person: dc
- last: reaserch around covid19, ops stuff, logistical stuff and cleanup, cultivating prep, social media stuff, qm, mozilla grant, occupation health and safty, okrs
- next: close of some things, covid, health and safety, branding, mutual aid work civit tech + covid19, more around StART
- blockers: draining working on calls, mindful of being a weird time but thankful its not wearing down as it has in the past!
- project updates and restarting
COVID-19 internal response
Current plan
- Resource for members re COVD19
- Work from home
- Dont meet with clients
- No PPE
- Take care of health (mental, etc)
- Stay communicative
- Employees can refuse unsafe work “this feels unsafe i don’t want to do this”
- Hypha will NOT get in the way of your health
- Contractor ability if some one test +
- We can shut down temporarily if needed
- We can offer ROE
- Resource for members re COVD19
- yj: pretty well documented where things reside, credentials all in passbolt
- couple points that don’t pass “bus scenario”, e.g. bbb and jitsi, but those aren’t critical
- email & website is with el, possible risk there
- tomesh chat on justin’s server
- bl: finance, bl and yj both know everything about finance but if we are both out it may be a problem
- things are well documented though
- #todo: bl share transferwise personal credentials with yj
COVID-19 external response
- uv: resource on our site
- how to support mutual aid groups
- found no existing resource
Common Knowledge out of UK that match digital technologists with mutual aid groups
- simple techology like spreadsheets, websites, google forms
- in looking to create a similar resource - possibly Civictech
- will engage Curtis @ civictech
- how much can hypha contribute
- matchmaking between technologists and mutual aid groups
- possible blocker: capacity
Financial projections
- collected ~14.5k so far
- previously expected $40-45k cumulative revenue by june, revenue target $50k in biz plan
- lost DWeb Camp project
- reduction in C4C hours
- reduction of work in aether
- delay in infrastructure project
- now around $23k (impact of $15-18k from COVID-19)
- how much money do we have?
- if by may we have 2k in the bank we will be able to pay end of fiscal year costs with ~$850 left in bank (this does not include paying back member loans)
- concerns?
- uv, dc: can change clip or do progressive clip
- bl: concerned about doing the work of changing / progressive clip
- are we in position to make donations?
- yj: nice to donate but were are so new (may not be eligible to any government support) and COVID-19 has impacted us
- dc: feels small amount from org early on is very important as solidarity response
- bl, yj: in favour of raising pool of money from members and donating as hypha
- dc: wants to explore clip at qm project since dc and uv (project team) both supportive
- dc: continue at finance call tmr
- #todo: el fixes
mail forwarder
OKR presentation
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting
- bl: share transferwise personal credentials with yj
el fix
mail forwarder