2019-11-06 ASYNC Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Nov 06, 2019 @ 5-5:30pm ASYNC
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: ben, garry, patcon, dc, yurko
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: dc
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Standup Notes
- Opening thought/question:
- Ben, now on daylight savings, changed!
- Dawn not out ahead :/ burned off that extra hour
- Person: Ben
- last:
- early distributed.press discussions, started weekly calls with near-term objective
- want deck/website to discuss concept. Maybe longerterm wanting a research project in that space. More clarity in next month
- lots of aether catch-up, feature work. Some gap/need for strategy work. Sales, audience strategy. Interest?
- Communications tools, ready to send PR
- Discussion about pay period next all hands
- next:
- Decision-making practices discussion
- Set up quickbooks, maybe transferwise
- blockers:
- Tax form to Burak (who has to decide?)
- last:
- Person: Garry
- last:
- Coordination, brand meetings
- next:
- Priority for next weeks, working on branding project. Assist on that
- Things that come out of this (e.g., website, decks, etc…)
- blockers:
- Having the workshop happen is a blocker. Scheduling a new time (working with our limited availability)
- last:
- Person: Yurko
- last:
- banking situation. Trying to figure out how things work.
- next:
- Credit card info, getting ready to submit an application
- blockers:
- How to get peoples input? Blocker to a finished proposal
- last:
- Person: Patcon
- last:
- mostly Civic Tech stuff in Saint John
- time to first convo with luisa, coordinating around that, including the one that didn’t happen today. Lesson: more time to schedule. Can’t do “day of”
- Updating cultivator meeting templates
- next:
- In transit (to NY)
- Platform Co-op Conference!
- Potential work (devops)
- Want to do more business development
- blockers:
- Chatbot PR review! Got early feedback but need more
- last:
- Person: DC
- last:
- Business development plan
- Deploying handbook
- next:
- Moving of things into handbook
- Handbook better testing links etc.
- blockers:
- Need: review (patcon)
- last:
- Person: Elon
- last:
- Read Loomio and Github threads
- next:
- Work to close off some infra related issues
- blockers:
- None
- last:
Future Discussions
- Meeting times? Are they the same?
- Recently (September 2019) re-set our availability, lets wait unless member raises concern that they need to be adjusted?
- Pay period Loomio Poll close
- #todo discuss next all hands
- Meta concern: who needs to be discussed with in order to move forward?
- Credit Card
- $60, any number of names, who should be on it?
- Sending US tax form
- What our entity status is
- Credit Card
- Proposal: we apply for $1000 ($60) credit card with Desjardins with two people listed on it: Yurko, DC
- recommendation: 2 mths of expenses
- $500 - 1000
- Consensed on call, all 5 members okay with this proposal
- Question: are we okay to send US tax form to prevent them witholding taxes?
- Need to send tax form
- Concerns over how we represent our status?
- turns out no hold/block
- Can we revise status in later filing if we’re wrong?
Next meeting
- Pay periods
- #todo dc create issue: write one-pager on co-operative and tax status