2020-06-03 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup
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Time: 5-5:30pm ET
Location: https://link.hypha.coop/calls
Attending: pc, bl, yj, uv,dc
Cultivator: el
Notetaker: pc yj, bl, dc, pc, gi, el, uv
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
Standup Notes
- Person: pc
- last: signed up for co-op. catch up. infra meeting. dc catch-up call today.
- next: continue. will seek to extend self further. not sure what exactly yet.
- blockers: none.
- Person: dc
- last: start stuff. gearing up discovery with start team. QM stuff. governance: AGM on my mind.
- next: SO MUCH START. QM pause. long hypha todo list for AGM + co-op relationships. reports to bizdev.
- blocker: time. academic confs at end of june :grimace:
- Person: gi
- last: no major ups (short for “updates”)
- next: some issues to catch up on. re: website?
- blocks: none.
- Person: yj
- last: meet.coop convos. infrastructure convos.
- next: infra and finance convos. fin: finish open collective setup.
- b: none
- Person: uv
- last: QM. closed covid connect loops. …
- next: bizdev work. couple client projects due this/next week, so no much hypha.
- block: external work
- Person: bl
- last: bunch of finances stuff. invoices sent. HST process done (minus remittance). distrib press (Grants). bylaw review.
dc. working open doc updated.
- next: expense reimbursement loop: not filed back into account (connect with rodica). update projection sheets. aether work. infra stuff: internal plans + meet.coop involvement. koumbit collabs. who we want to work with in future. ops tasks and finance docs before AGM. prep for annual returns. sign agreements for PIIA, etc.
- block: SO MANY
- last: bunch of finances stuff. invoices sent. HST process done (minus remittance). distrib press (Grants). bylaw review.
- Person: el
- last: meet.coop call. infra meetings. data policy work.
- next: explore meet.coop repo and contrib opportunities.
- block: none.
- Solidarity action: Endorsing The Leap People’s Bailout
(can we re-endorse they switched forms on us!)
- https://justrecoveryforall.ca/
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvrBJeUChnFnKE3RLe7BeT6NZANVTk3tXWBPDWnkyoXzkwbQ/viewform
- CONSENSED on signing in chat (and car / outer space)
- Hypha as fiscal host for Distributed Press proposal to Grant for the Web (uv+bl)
- grant proposal ready for review by Monday
- grant from COIL (web monetization standards) in collab with mozilla. applying for $50,000 range. uv+bl on hypha side. maybe others. mai = outside collab (billing hypha).
- COIL. maybe future browser implementation. related to micropayments spec.
- dPress
- DP: publish on dat, IPFS (SSB?)
- salary+royalty based
- supporting author co-ops
- outputs: research through prototyping, content creation.
- Decision: Can Hypha be the applicant for the grant?
- bl: that is the intention
- uv: what’s the budget? separate from this approval.
- early stage grant proposal in gdrive
- dc: salary or commission based?
- uv: won’t know until we do research.
- dc: https://briarpatchmagazine.com/submissions
- dc: fiscal sponsorship might not be right term.
- uv+bl: fiscal host is not right term. this is a hypha project.
- bl: other potential funder = Knight foundation, who only award to US nonprofits. so will need sponsor.
- dc: EDGI was fiscally hosted. am resource if needed.
- dc: applying later (to Knight) might depend on how application happened before to other grants.
- goal: full proposal ready by monday
- thumbs up by wednesday
- Project input for Platform Co-op course. (summary of course)
- Application to CWCF grant
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting