2020-04-29 Hypha Worker Co-op: All Hands
from template | Meetings |
Calendar |
Tasks |
Code |
Time: 5:00-6:00pm ET
Location: https://bbb.hypha.coop/b/hyp-9pd-9gy
Attending: yj, el, uv, bl, dc, gi (late)
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: uv pc, gi, yj, el, bl, dc, uv
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Working Group Updates | 5 |
Project Updates | 5 |
Discussions | 20 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- Three words to describe how you are feeling?
- dc: too little sleep?
- bl: too many things
- yj: i don’t know
- uv: missing human contact
- el: lots of things
- Hypha Letterhead and Report, please leave feedback in those docs!
- People that have reimbursement please file them ASAP (end May ideally)
- Next cultivators early MAY: Yurko, end May: Garry!
Coronavirus Zone 🦠
- none!
Task Board Review
- Archive DONE tasks
- Seeking clarity on HST
- Client agreement template
- Define finance role
- Adding in expense reimbursement
- Review HIGH
tasks- Feedback required
- Doing:
- #250 Developing hiring process (need to figure out how to hire/onboard a company as opposed to an individual)
- Related issue: draft contractor agreements
- dc: would be good to send out Friday this week - bl will do by EOD tomorrow
- Todo:
#35 Investigate interest free loan
- closing this issue as the main issue
#262 Shortlinks broken
- Infra made a new tool
- dc: spin up a new issue for final clean up
- yj: it’s functional but not “pretty”
- #todo: add a new issue to track wrap-up tasks
- update services inventory to reflect new shortlinks process
- update handbook to reflect new shortlinks process
- scrub circle-ci job https://github.com/hyphacoop/worker-coop-scripts/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml#L85-L99 https://github.com/hyphacoop/worker-coop-scripts/pull/9
- add README to describe what this is and how it’s deployed (can be 2 sentences)
- #261 Apply for covid19 financial support will be the catch all issue
#131 Email policy
- cleaning up process from old to new system
- will be well documented in the handbook
#102 Prepare for AGM
- will pick up next week and make decisions about date
#35 Investigate interest free loan
- Backlog
#158 Upgrade bussiness phone number
- yj: should be lower priority
- made note in the issue to reflect the actual priority
- yj:
- 3 star priority came from text message concerns for certain services
- We need to continuously make calls so we don’t lose the phone number
- dc: will make this 2 stars; yj will confirm after call
#158 Upgrade bussiness phone number
- Triage NEW tasks
- nothing in the main org repo marked as tasks to triage
- Assign UNASSIGNED tasks
- skipped
Working Group Updates
Business Planning
- bl: cleaned up sales pipeline
- new opps on the horizon
- prioritization/categorization work required to understand which are opps and which are solidarity
- writing “white-label”/generic project descriptions to make it easy to apply to future grants
- bl: cleaned up sales pipeline
- Expense procedure done, if anyone needs help with reimbursements please get in touch
- Updated Finance page with new info on GST/HST + better description of our org status, how to interact with foreign contractors
- Two new finance roles defined including limits to power
- Looking in to 75% wage subsidy based on new development
- On biweekly schedule
- Priority is still bylaws, a version has been drafted
- Email internal routing updated (show and tell later), cleaned up pipleline, removed aliases that we don’t use anymore
- Task labels fixed
- New shortlinks implementation
- Focus has been hiring; templating and getting someone in for the client project
- Others in the stack: health and safety
Project Updates
- pass for discussion below
- Aether
- burak demo’ed, new different compiler, chat features, bl doing infra stuff on google cloud platform
- Qm
- had a session last time, moving forward with another on Fri, data scenarios
- Starling
- waiting on next steps
- COVID-19 response
- includes CTTO “COVID-CONNECT”: pitched weeks ago, defined process, templates made, tools there (Airtable), launching by next week
- CWCF (Solidarity project)
- bl + dc have call with cwcf to work on engagement strategy, working with loomio, possibly also airtable to showcase worker coops across Canada
- Discussion: StART Next Steps
- Call with nomadic on Monday
- Can start next week
- C4C ready as well
- dc flags a concern that dc’s skills are the least required and may not be enough funds
- proposal: nomadic will be a subcontractor with Hypha, will revisit in 1 month; gabe also needs devopsy skills for some tasks
- bl: how long will we be willing C4C?
- will continue as far as dc understands, although gabe may be less involved in the future
- bl: direct relationship with start?
- dc: gabe okay with this, but would likely continue through c4c
- dc: mostly transition to a direct relationship with StART on organizational/management side, but not financially
- Discussion: Hank Summer Internship
- Potential project: “The Law & Design CoLab is recruiting 2-3 front-end devs to volunteer their expertise to help us build and launch an interactive, educational website on bail reform in Ontario over the next 2 months (May-June 2020) full details here https://bit.ly/colab-devs-outreachYou can learn more about the project on our website: https://lawdesigncolab.ca/bail-reform/”
- uv: Hank graduating from York-Sheridan, needs an internship and someone to sign off
- lost ops due to COVID-19, lost paid opportunities
- dc: paid opps might not be good fits
- the one that hank proposed
- small stipend at the end? token non zero amount
- 3 week internship, end by August
- gi: portfolio piece and mentorship
- bl: we can try prioritizing working with Hank
- #todo: uv to follow up and pass off to bl
- Consensed to go ahead with acting as a host
- Proposal: Donations for COVID-19 Solidarity
- Be It Resolved That (BIRT) Hypha donates $60, distributed evenly, to the following local COVID-19 emergency funds:
- Foodsters United Hardship Fund (Foodora Couriers) > https://fundrazr.com/FoodstersUnited [Credit Card]
- Creative workers relief fund > https://torontoartsfoundation.org/toartistresponse [Credit Card]
- MaggiesTO sex workers fund > https://www.maggiesto.org/covid19 [Paypal / Credit Card]
Consensed to go ahead with this
- yj: can’t do e-transfers through desjardin
- #todo: dc to investigate transfer methods
- Be It Resolved That (BIRT) Hypha donates $60, distributed evenly, to the following local COVID-19 emergency funds:
- [PARKED] Proposal: Setting up OpenCollective
- Proposal: https://hackmd.io/cAU-FaMHTAeilCOA836D7Q?edit
- tabled for next time (yj has a discussion item, not captured here)
- #todo: dc will add an issue to gh
- Solidarity actions:
- [PARKED] Endorsing The Leap People’s Bailout
- “from pandemic to prosperity For all.” https://theleap.org/peoples-bailout/
- Housing
- Immediate Housing for All (Suspend all rent and mortgage payments)
- Legislate and Entrench Housing as a Public Good
- Ultimate Goal is Pandemic-Proof, Climate-Safe Housing for All
- Healthcare
- Free and Accessible Healthcare for All (PPE for frontline workes, testing and treatment for all)
- Reverse Decades of Health Cuts
- Universal Healthcare Must Cover Every Part of Every Body: Eye care, dental, and mental health
- Work
- No Worker Left Behind (wage subsidy)
- Worker Power Can Stabilize the Economy For Good. (worker co-ops)
- Democracy: Public, cooperative, and worker ownership
- Future: Transportation, Education, Food
- Theme: Green New Deal
- Housing
- CWCF has already endorsed: https://twitter.com/WorkerCoop/status/1255175524499914752?s=20
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9bgB8-zhPS74TFKg-qnjL33yWNta17znUlYq8tjfTGQFrOw/viewform
- Outcome:
- Someone submits the google form and tweets from @hypha coop with hashtags
- “from pandemic to prosperity For all.” https://theleap.org/peoples-bailout/
Tech/labour solidarity screencap with handmade signs for those striking at Amazon
- dc: These are fun! I’ve done them a bunch for union things :) No ones names are on it. (some people wear masks etc… if they want to not associate their full face)=
- Campaign: https://twitter.com/techspeaksout, example: https://twitter.com/ksr_united/status/1250801102909583361
- All who are interested hold up handmade signs with slogans about Amazon, we do not have our names on the photo.
- Outcome:
- tweeted from @hyphacoop with hashtags (e.g., #TechSolidarity #ProtectAmazonWorkers #AmazonStrike) and phrase: “Hypha stands with the warehouse, grocery, and delivery workers at Amazon!”
- #todo dc to post, we okay’d: ok without names
- [PARKED] Endorsing The Leap People’s Bailout
- [PARKED] Email Show and Tell
- uv and gi responded
- dc: show us “the new forwarding system”
- yj: how to change your password, send-as, forward, alias, who’s on which list, get onto a new group address. dc: +1
- CTTO Website Opportunity
- skipped
Process Checkout
- 5 mins over
- dc did a lot of parking/cutting folks off, hopefully it didn’t feel too on rails
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes as open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting
- dc: add a new issue to track wrap-up tasks
- uv: to follow up with Hank and pass off to bl
- dc to investigate donation methods
- dc will add an issue to gh for opencollective proposal
- dc to post solidarity photo