2020-03-19 Hypha Worker Co-op: Business Planning
from template | Meetings |
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Time: 10-11am ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: uc, bl, dc, pc
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: pc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- Testing Big Blue Button
- change default presentation
- can’t upload large files
- can we turn off the “you are now muted” voice each time we mute and unmute
- pc: kinda like that personally (incl #a11y)
- where do notes live?
- shared notes OR chat, not both
- mic isolation?
- seems decent! but still can pick up env. sounds (e.g. keyboards)
- presentation uploading
- “File is too large. Please split into multiple files.” > 1mb
- annotation feature is smooth (“like ice”)
- closed captioning is manual, can be user-toggled for display, one moderator at a time (can take over) and can be exported as text file
- echo test happens every breakout, very annoying
- change default presentation
Task Board Review
- Review DONE tasks
- …
- Review
- …
Revise WG description.- Original:
- “WG for performing feasibility study, and business planning to identify start up costs, fundraising mechanisms, and risks.”
- bl proposal:
- WG for strategizing the business goals of the organization, this includes branding and communications, building relationships with clients and neighbours, supporting project teams in sales and grant initiatives, and situating ourselves in the market and solidarity economy according to our organizational mission.
- dc: shorter!
- bl: (points from my proposal)
- strategizing the business goals of the organization
- building relationships with clients and neighbours
- supporting project teams in sales and grant initiatives
- branding and communications
- situating ourselves in the market and solidarity economy according to our organizational mission
- Reframe: WG for stewarding our business strategy, this includes generating and pursuing business opportunities, relationships, branding, and communications.
- consensed on this
- keep pr to single sentence
- #todo dc: to merge in PR
- Original:
COVID-19 plan
- bl: we have plans to get it online in a couple hours
- distribution plan?
- dc: listed in pad
- to other ppl doing covid initiatives
- co-op lists
- uv: good time to trial out social media role
- pc: campaign?
- bl: speed > comprehensiveness
- pc: could commit to designated time for cross-linking
- dc: tweetdeck for scheduling. hashtag selection.
- dc: can commit to writing a bit on process of sharing this coherent little push
- dc: cc license and add contributing guidelines. open license and contrib guidelines.
- dc +1 to local and regional instead of monolithic big
- name
- covid19-mutualaid.hypha.coop
- covid19remotesolidarity.hypha.coop << dc+1
- covid19.hypha.coop << pc+1
- covid19-solidarity.hypha.coop
- covidsolidarity.hypha.coop
- agree on name in chat
- translations
- dc: only if completed
- uv: can fork can create new
- uv: keep translations on same site, versions with custom local context as fork
Process Checkout
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- business-planning: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- finance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- infrastructure: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting