2020-10-02 stephanie<>patcon followup
Purpose: Followup after Platform Co-ops Now update call
Who? patcon (Hypha), Steph (CMC)
- pc: speil. founded for worker co-op activities. credit union referrals. potential subsidizing of incorp fees through investment shares or credit union business account referrals. possibility of marketplace mechanics for co-op development services.
- sg: thinking on systemic barrier in PQ
- paid services to start co-ops. keep self-serve behind paywalls. funded by gov to do incorporations.
- pc: same in ON. feeling idea of “barefoot co-op development” is quite destabilizing to existing models (co-op development accreditation + referrals and funding for services through central association). hard to organize p2p support, as threatens existing models.
- applications to gov less scrutinized when cosigned by tech assistance providers
- great if outcome was to direct businesses to credit unions
- however services not always moving as quick as businesses need (PQ specific)
- OH: “would be easier to cc, loan, line of credit from traditional bank. vetting process feels onerous.”
- small size takes so much longer (under $50,000 takes much longer). opaque internal threshold?
- pc: wondering if this manifests as poor UI in online banking? yes
- pc: is it fair to assume some failure is technical, or is it all social? is tech
- sg: mix of humans and tech. depends on what mechanisms kick in based on product requests.
- supporting new business owners to go from one institution to another, knowing that these organization don’t have instincts to cross-reference
- Example: in PQ, org will do 12-week incubation course with reseau. not sure reseau knows to punt you over to right incubators, how to connect you with appropriate investors.
- aim is to have simple smartsheet that reseau or incubators can fill out
- CIBC or TD doens’t work with co-ops
- service providers are all members of association. funded by association. hoping product isn’t exclusive of businesses. not behind paywall.
- airtable data: https://airtable.com/embed/shrwFT9GQ6TXB73Yx/tblUVcw8i2UIVyXu8?backgroundColor=purple&viewControls=on
- inspo: https://innovation.ised-isde.canada.ca/s/?language=en
- #todo:pc+sg dig into ISED connections to find who built form
- social media savvy staff on Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40ISED_CA&src=typed_query&f=user
- ISED already has GitHub org (so culture of sharing code and working open): https://github.com/ised-isde-canada
- can find current code contributors to reach out to
- first snapshot of form in interet archive = launch?
- http://web.archive.org/web/20190620165242/https://innovation.ised-isde.canada.ca/s/?language=en_CA
- launched in June 2019
- looking at code, seems salesforce-based
- #todo:sg share ON service providers
- #todo:pc schedule call for Mon, Oct 5 (re: followup. co-ops + SAFEs)