2020-01-14 Hypha Worker Co-op: Finance WG
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Time: Tue, Jan 14, 2019 @ 12:00pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: pc, yj, bl
Cultivator: bl
Notetaker: pc
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Task Board Review | 25 |
Announcements | 5 |
Discussions | 20 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins
- pc: eager to start working and get clients in
- bl: opportunities! horizons! butttttt risk without guarantees. possibility != security. parents in greeeeece.
- yj: concern of spending more than we have. HATE.JS
Task Board Review
- Archive Done tasks
- Review HIGH
- #156 payroll. done. will discuss
- private#4 transferwise. done. can check off in discussion.
- #154 quickbooks setup. no progress. patcon needs to move it fwd.
- #… bookkeeper. assigned to patcon, as he’s become touchpoint. will update in discussion.
#134 credit card. no progress. yj: there a block? no.
- pc: might
- Triage new tasks
- #todo create task for expense reimbursement process
- missing labels
- TransferWise retrospective
- credit card has own risks. get money, but might not stay. new liability.
- bl: should only deal with it when have to. more sense for lots of small transactions. may want to look at in future.
- yj: recurring charges work well. warning: but very little recourse when chargeback.
- yj: high fees.
- patcon: don’t feel convinced by critiques. etransfers win in canada over CC. but for domestic recurring (e.g., retainers), could be CAD$4/charge if <$3,000
- bl: no need for CC now. transferwise for current client works. just for future recurring.
pc yj
- bl: need to do docs still
- docs
- blank out account # for handbook
- bookkeeper update
- pc: planning to call Rodica to review books
- pc: would like a contract, get into habit with working more formally
- bl: contract or not, I just want to ensure we are in sync with expectations
- pc: cross out items on contract?
- bl: no, just email reply an sync up expectations and budget
- yj: small businesses I know have bookkeeper update the books each month, now we are doing it ourselves
- thinking on budget and when to transition that work to bookkeeper…
- pc: once running, are we being more handsoff with services we’re using of hers?
- bl reiterates that not setting budgets and not syncing expectations is a bad way to start business relationships
- the only thing we can afford now is occasional consultation and monthly review of books
- yj: maybe quarterly
- the only thing we can afford now is occasional consultation and monthly review of books
- #todo:pc reach out to Rodica to clarify expectations and set a first-year plan together after review of books
- payroll discussions (skipped, for next week)
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board - Publish meeting notes to GitHub
- Publish meeting template for next meeting