2019-10-23 Hypha Worker Co-op: Standup Meeting
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Time: Wed, Oct 23, 2019 @ 5-5:30pm
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: patcon, yurko, elon, dc
Cultivator: patcon
Notetaker: yj Next up: gi, uv, pc, dc, el, bl, yj
- Standup (3 min/person)
- What did you work on this past week?
- What do you plan to work on this coming week?
- What are your blockers?
Standup Notes
Helpful link: https://github.com/issues?q=org:hyphacoop+sort:updated-desc+involves:YOU
- Person: yurko (patcon accidentally took in another spot)
- last: bank account. online access. #todo create access. interac later.
- next: move
to desjardins. #feedback on money moving. money decisions.
- blockers: waiting on interac before deposit.
- last:
- Bank finally setup
- Not sure signers/admins created theirs yet
- Started reaserch on other financial services
- next:
- work towards moving money from RBC to Dejardins
- blockers:
- Waiting on interac E-Transfer
- Look into alternative (MTF or what not)
- Person: bl
- last:
- Made proposal for comm tools guidelines, I think it’s important to agree on shared practice urgently
- Looked into PIAA language in GitHub/GitLab, I like it, and can take on drafting a version for Canada and co-op structure if I get go-ahead
- Looked into QB pricing based on recommendations of our accountant, costs about CAD 55-70 each month. It’s a lot for us at this point. I want to get advice on how to move forward, but to resolve this ASAP
- Working with uv on distributed.press proposal
- Would like someone else to lead mesh game proposal, although I’d like to actively participate, and has lots of potential partners I can connect
- next:
- Communication Guidelines draft
- PIAA draft
- Have Bookkeeping software purchased and start billing clients with it
- blockers:
- Need feedback on Communication Guidelines
- Need feedback from Governance WG and uv on how to proceed with PIAA
- Need pc and yj to review PR: Financial Accounts and Practices
- Need a go-ahead to get QB and start billing for Aether, I don’t know who I need permission from before subscribing to QB (recommend to get one shared access account + payroll to start which will be CAD 55 / month for us), see issue
- Can I go ahead and purchase this with personal credit card and reimburse later? (first 3 months is $6 it’s very low risk, and we can wait a little to add payroll)
- If this required input from our bookkeeper, can pc get in touch?
- last:
- Person: DC
- last:
- Opportity lead things
- Follow up on contract
- next:
- What business development looks like with change in WG presence
- other small tasks (low priority) mostly in Governance
- blockers:
- Branding stuff (seems urgent but not sure how to help)
- Issues that are not being addressed that seem important in business plan/finance
- Feeling discouraged: Business plan items not moved over, flagged issues a few times
- last:
- Person: uv (dawn can’t do udit’s voice
- last:
- Call with bl on distributed press last week
- Working on hypha introduction deck, which could potentially be useful for pitching to leads
- next:
- Finish distributed press pitch deck with bl. Will reconnect this coming week.
- Need to respond to Communication guidelines and PIAA draft
- (I guess loomio is being currently updated? Will need to get back to this.)<- its working now
- last:
- Person: patcon
- last:
- Attention taken away with an event
- Brought some chagnes to full standup
- Signing and Appointments done
- Bringin items from chats to issues
- Bizdev Meeting
- next:
- understand the banking situation
- Bill primal glow
- Reorient onself with priorities
- understand the banking situation
- blockers:
- Own understanding of finance stuff
- other
- Code for america
- Struggling with burnout
- Struggling Making money
- Tunning ppl
- Civit Check To
- Worker co-op meetup
- Code for america
- last:
- Person: elon
- last:
- jitsi sip integration
- loomio updates
- next:
- check what else to do with infra
- blocker:
- no blockers
- last:
QB Pricing and payment
- pc: can we auth ben to make payment? should we?
- yj: decision feels final on tool. prefer not to reopen that convo. but do we need it yet? how will it work?
- dc: some wrinkles, but we should just pick a date for first payroll. #todo
- let’s just give a deadline. and do some things together.
- no invoices sent yet? if so, feels non-urgent.
- yj: we are blocked on invoicing.
- dc+pc: clip decided already. yj: was just an estimate. #todo improved projections.
- dc: do we need to start payroll right away? sounds like in one month (beg. Dec) especially if invoices on cusp of being sent out.
- but no payroll pay period has been decided.
- #recommendation: credit card right away. #todo research yj
- open Q: who should get card? dc: directors? minimal paperwork for low limit.
- dc: interpretation fin-wg doesn’t need permission of whole, and can make call itself.
yurko, pc
- dc: maybe future threshold where we don’t need to ask, but TBD
- bookkeeper stuff
- pc: i didn’t think we were using a bookkeeper yet until we got feedback (we’re not paying anyone)
- we know enough to start, so let’s just start.
dc, yj
Business Plan items moved over to other places
- dc: feels like we’ve reresearched a couple things. poor job of transmitting info for some reason. feel silly about that. feel like i have a good memory for business plan.
- dc: pieces i put time into are the ones we keep revisiting.
- yj: loomio and github diff. pointed out by bl. info lost. prob rustiest on business plan. feel for dawn.
- dc: formats dont work for everyone. ties to comms convo. but also already had part of that convo. seems expectations have shifted (chat seems to have become priority channel for some)
- e.g. spreadsheets and bizplan.
- pc: crossref into issues. or presentation to all.
- dc: presentation kinda done.
- crossref/split. was the ideal, to close off then split out. but didn’t happen. half-closed state currently.
- pc: suggestion pairing.
- dc: feels like we’ve reresearched a couple things. poor job of transmitting info for some reason. feel silly about that. feel like i have a good memory for business plan.
design workshop from nomadic labs
- garry is onboard
- makes sense for capacibty issues
- one flag is that these workshops are best in person. ben is almost perma-away. patcon gone for awhile, maybe back 1-2wks in dec, but otherwise might be until end of jan.
- luisa in TO oct30 - nov8
- #todo organize social thing or drinks while luisa in Toronto. (earlier the better)
- gi: weekends > evening weekdays >> daytime weekday