2020-09-25 Hypha: Co-op Governance convo
Who’s here? Benjamin Miller, patcon
- conundrum of how much work to do up-front
- 2 users in mind. minimalist and maximalist.
- min: just get thru
- max: wants to know most about every step.
- people who want to know more can go deeper at each step
- re: museum. educational process is about levels of information.
- used this to conceptualize learning process
- run through or look at every painting
- inclined toward learning over efficiency (as fast as possible)
- pc: drip-marketing
- doesn’t need to be tradeoff between efficiency and education. can be quick.
- online education: 2-7 minute modules.
- very clear to users how they can use the course. some people go a la carte. or some go straight thru.
- legalzoom: can get through, but lose all the benefits of the law, in which wisdom is baked.
- ben: not opposed to building plane as your fly it.
- first page: do you even need to incorporated? don’t need a corporation to incorporate
- shared platform
- been tried with nonprofits, but could work for co-ops.
- law not just designed to benefit one incorporating, but rather to larger society
- annual filings really important transparency and democracy
- might not be possible, in which case you find yourself with a public policy project
- …
- team also developed CourtForms
- Guided Pathways