2020-03-25 Hypha Worker Co-op: Governance/Operations
from template | Meetings |
Calendar |
Tasks |
Code |
Time: 9:00-11:00pm ET
Location: https://jitsi.hypha.coop/hyphacoop
Attending: dc, bl
Cultivator: dc
Notetaker: bl
Item | Time (min) |
Personal Checkins | 5 |
Announcements | 5 |
Task Board Review | 15 |
Discussions | 30 |
Co-work | 50 |
Process Checkout | 5 |
Personal Checkins: COVID-19
- dc:
- grocery run, clear of quarantine
- nightly runs
- bl:
- extended quarintine 2 weeks
- saying “peak”, think we’re nearing, but not quite there
- networks staying well so far
- New template in PR for Governance + Operations
Task Board Review
- Review
- checked out “shape”–in good position, all high priority underway/discussed on this call
label review- #101 Write by-laws, discuss this today
- #102 AGM, update notes to reflect agreement on plan: https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/pull/241
- Backlog: all agm or
- The feedback piece, does it need more time? A process earlier?
- bl: want to socialize peer review process and “good member” discussion earlier than close to AGM
- dc: beginning of May seems early enough, can start with Good Member discussion earlier in All Hands
- dc: tone-setting part first, peer-feedback part post-AGM
label review- [quick side chat on social card for twitter on covid19 resource]
- many to discuss below
#217 health and safety? in relation to covid-19
- dc: how we respond to employees who are sick, we should already be compliant with requirements
- dc: site safety things re: covid-19 (e.g. PPE) don’t relate to us bc remote
- dc: focus on policy response first
- Ops:
#199 Stewarding OKR process
- reviewed https://hackmd.io/ImMcCS6hTQWcCStwHK8qRA?view and will be added #todo:dc to handbook
- #todo:bl announce and discuss at standup tonight
#229 External response to COVID-19
- [notes below]
- #240 Internal COVID-19 response
#199 Stewarding OKR process
- Governance:
- #101 Write by-laws
External response to COVID-19
- dc: #todo commit to social media and pushing this on twitter next two weeks
- checking tweetdeck and scheduling
- bl:
- and 30mins etc… we should track as a “project” in Clockify
- want discussion on next steps for community work
- sharing resource outisde of toronto
- mutual aid
- outreach? etc…
- (to discuss next steps) frame as project meeting?
- #todo:bl ask for time after standup to discuss
- dc: floating a meeting after call today makes sense
- dc: there’s a flood of resources already, tons of gdocs linking to gdocs
- bl: what is our value proposition, lots of sharing what folks do, we can try to focus on doing (smaller reach, deeper impact)
- bl: to review/closeout #229
- Initial places to publish:
- toronto:
- civic tech
that nonprofit tech group net squared(not currently active) - Care-mongering TO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TO.Community.Response.COVID19/ <– might be good to pair with better ask? (bizdev)
- ssb
- Covid-19 Mutual Aid Resources Wiki %xhFezaL1UDoYxLMQI1GOXO8Jh/nIX6u8DoVlKKlqHm4=.sha256
- international coop solidarity:
- ica tech-coops chat: https://patio.ica.coop/chat/tech-coops/
- co-tech: https://community.coops.tech/t/tech-co-ops-and-covid-19-solidarity/1972
- cooperativism discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/568253797890129942/568253798615613452
- matrix: #covid19-mutualaid:matrix.org and #covid19-mutualaid-general:matrix.org
- email in our networks
- marsdd folks uv knows
- health non-profit folks uv knows
- Canadian Co-op coord (discuss at bizdev):
- Toronto co-ops connections- CAYA? Matt?
- CWCF – reba
- OCA - Peter Cameron
- Mayfirst people
- toronto:
Internal response to COVID-19
- government support
- financial support to its members
- help navigate other sources of support
- bl: EI research
- members who are part time… how does it impact them if they loose full-time?
- dc: employee who is also an owner, may have special EI implications/options
- reach out to CWCF?
- bl: how does a member not work for hypha?
- dc: issue ROE that is shortage of work?
- “not an active employee”
- need to talk with co-op ppl
- #todo:dc finish drafting https://hackmd.io/EdvBv_45TjW8sq1aKZgKcA?view
- #todo:bl review before bizdev meeting
- next steps:
- bring up at bizdev
- bring up at finance (dc to attend like ~15mins)
#101 write by-laws
- dc: plain language, closer to “come as you are” handbook
- bl: treasurer or no treasurer, defined in bylaw?
- dc: finance role vs. treasurer, may need for audit
- bl: don’t think we need audits
- dc: required to acknowledge audits in bylaws (e.g. in the case if audits), Act has strict takes on how audit happens
- bl: concerned we don’t have enough ppl to fill board
- dc: can allow vacant position
- add in point about acclaimation
- bl: don’t think we need audits
- dc: finance role vs. treasurer, may need for audit
- dc: we can have 4-15/20 board members (in our Articles), 1-2 year term
- dc: look at AGM doc for specific things, important stuff to include:
- electronic meeting
- quorum, tie-breaking of votes <– discuss
- codify reserve money <– discuss
- explusion <– discuss
- severability of ownership <– discuss https://github.com/hyphacoop/organizing/issues/101#issuecomment-597767960
- #todo:bl take over bylaws task
Process Checkout
- Meeting template?
- fine! minor adjustment
Action Items for Cultivator
Migrate items with
to task board -
Publish meeting notes as
- governance: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- operations: open access, or publicly indexed with restricted access
- Reset meeting pad for next meeting